Thursday, November 28, 2019

Affirmative Action as Reverse Discrimination

Affirmative Action as Reverse Discrimination Free Online Research Papers America is the land of opportunity, but to be fully qualified for the status, it needs to be color-blind, race-blind, and gender-blind. Affirmative Action began as a way to stop discrimination, but as new laws have been added to it, it has become reverse discrimination. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great addition to society. It is an immense injustice for people to say that someone of a different race or gender is not capable of achieving the same status in life as a white male. Through this paper, the concepts of affirmative action will be analyzed and discussed. Affirmative Action began in 1965 when President Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in to law. The Executive Order 11246 prevents Federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This is when the phrase affirmative action was first used, because it requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin. When Affirmative Action was created, it only included minorities. In 1967, Johnson decided to expand the program to include women, because women have received some of the same discrimination as men in the workplace. There were also earlier laws that were passed to ensure equal rights. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are two examples of these laws, but they were a little behind considering the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution were passed much earlier. The Fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and the Fifteenth amendment forbid racial discrimination in access to voting. Also, there was the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which was passed one hundred years earlier to ensure equal rights to all men. Secretary George Schultz and Arthur Fletcher, a top deputy, were the architects of some federal hiring and contracting regulations that added to the Affirmative Action regulations. In 1969, Schultz and Fletcher created these regulations under the Nixon administration to redress the unfair treatment of minorities and women in the workplace.4 Even though America is the land of freedom, minorities and women did not fully receive these freedoms until the mid 1960s. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs was established to require compliance to affirmative action. The Executive Order required that companies with more than fifty employees and doing more than $50,000 in business directly with the federal government or as a subcontractor prepare goals and timetables. Periodic reports are also required to show progress toward these adversity goals. The OFCCP investigates into the complaints and lawsuits against companies that have been accused of discrimination. It requires that annual reports be submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The OFCCP analyzes these reports and then audits about 4,100 firms in connection with the federal government each year. So, not only can a company get into trouble by people filing complaints, the OFCCP looks for companies that it thinks are not abiding by its rules, which are not always written clearly. The general public, because of how the OFCCP has gone about auditing companies, has c ome to know some of these goals, as quotas. Goals are the precepts of affirmative action, but the goals are sometimes enforced to the point of looking like quotas, which are numeric targets for the racial composition of the work force. An example of how the OFCCP works is in the case of Aaron Woodson, an African American. He applied for a job at Solectron Corporation, but did not get the job. He was a qualified applicant, but there may have been a better one. When the reports were analyzes, the OFCCP decided that the company had a low percentage of minority workers compared to other similar companies in the area. At the end of the case, Solectron offered jobs to the nine qualified minority applicants, payment totaling $237,000, and a promise to refine its affirmative action goals. Woodson did not accept the job, because by this time, he already had another job. This is not the right way to conduct business, because Solectron was following all the rules and the OFCCP decided that the company did not meet the goals. In 1972 and 1973, Allan Bakke, a white male, applied to the University of California at Davis Medical School. He was denied admittance, but his test scores and GPA were higher than students admitted through the affirmative action admittance program. The affirmative action admittance program set 16 of the 100 opening aside for minority students that did not meet the standards of the normal admittance process. Bakke sued for admissions on the basis on the Fourteenth amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Bakke claimed he was a victim of reverse discrimination. The University of Californias logic behind this policy was that it is necessary to compensate for past injustice suffered by members of certain disadvantaged groupsIt was one way to open new opportunities for individual groups that in the past had not enjoyed these opportunities. The vote was five to four in favor of Bakke. Justice Lewis Powell wrote, The guarantees of the Fourteenth amendment extends to all pers onsThe guarantee of equal protection cannot mean one thing to one individual and something else when applied to another. This case was very controversial, because four justices believed that race should not be a consideration at all, while four others believed that affirmative action was a very good idea. The final decision of this case was that Bakke should be admitted to the school and that race could be a factor of the admissions process, but not the main criteria. This reinforces the questions about the legitimacy of affirmative action. This judgement was a step in the right direction, but was not totally constitutional, because the constitution is supposed to be race-blind. Not only does Affirmative Action affect the hiring goals; it also regulates how the government contracts its business. The 8(a) Program is designed to give minority and women owned businesses government contracts. If a firm is given 8(a) status, it is able to get a contract without competitive bidding. Participating companies must be 51 percent owned, controlled, and operated by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Minorities and women are usually considered to be socially and economically disadvantaged. This means that minorities and women should qualify, but that is not the only qualification. The applicant must also demonstrate that their net worth is not above $250,000 to qualify. This criteria means that not only white males are automatically excluded, but also some minorities do not qualify. This criteria not only affects the person who is applying, it also may apply to the spouse of the applicant. For example, Rep. Eva Clayton was denied a contract, bec ause her husband made too much money. Even with this, 46 percent of the programs 5,330 participants are black23 percent are Spanish-speaking and 21 percent are Asian, but only seven white women have qualified. In society, this means that the applicant must learn to play the system, because the qualifications tend to vary between applicants. To be eligible for any government contract, not just the set-aside program, a company must also make a good faith effort to meet their goals and timetables. There are several very influential people who think that these program requirements are not fair. Rep. Jan Meyers is the chairman of the House Small Business Committee. She stated: A black Harvard graduate with a net worth of a quarter of a million dollars stands a better chance of getting into the program than a poor white woman from Appalachia. There is something wrong with that. Also, the government allows the participant to stay eligible while his net worth steadily climbs during his nine-year tenure in the program. Every area of government is affected by Affirmative Action from the EPA to the Department of Transportation. In the Department of Defense, five percent of its entire procurement budget is to be awarded to socially or economically disadvantaged individuals who own firms. The Navy is cleaning up environmental damage on the Kahoolawe, a Hawaiian Island, and gives special preferences to businesses owned by native Hawaiians. In the Education Department, special consideration is given to minorities and minority colleges when applying for grants. Also, public colleges and universities offer scholarships, tutoring, and outreach programs for minority and female students. Not less than ten percent of the money appropriated for diplomatic construction shall be allocatedto minority contractors. That rule also applies to the Department of Transportation.8 These goals are designed to give minorities and women more opportunities. This is not constitutional, because in the Fourteenth amendment, equal protection of the law is guaranteed to all people, not just minorities and women. California decided to question the laws on affirmative action and make them more constitutional. In 1996, California lawmakers presented proposition 209 to its voters. The purpose of proposition 209 was to eliminate affirmative action on the state and local level where the federal government permitted. The court would decide exactly what programs have preferential treatment and what programs the federal government requires that California maintain. California Governor Pete Wilson, Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, and many other people from around the country support this proposition, because America will reach its potential when the Constitution is considered color-blind. Proposition 209 also has exceptions to the rule since the federal government has not yet passed this law. One exception is to meet privacy standards based on sex. Another is to keep the state eligible for federal money. The state must also stay in accordance with the United States Constitution and the federal law. It has eliminated state affirmative action laws and voluntary rules that are strict quotas. This is Constitutional, because the interpretation of the Constitution cannot change when it is affecting different races of people. Proposition 209 effects public employment and contracting, public schools and community colleges, and state universities. In public employment and contracting, this would save California money spent by not using the lowest bidder on contracts and hiring based solely on qualifications, not race or gender. Funding for public schools would be decided on need, not on the number on minority students. Proposition 209 will affect up to $75 million spent on schools. That money would not leave the school fund, but it might be reallocated to other schools. Proposition 209 would also require California State University and the University of California to restructure its admissions policy. This would also change the requirements such as outreach, counseling, tutoring, and financial aid programs. Proposition 209 would affect about $50 million each year spent at the university level. This is a good idea, because it would put all applicants and students on the same level. With affirmative action, students and applicants are separated by their race and gender and that is not fair, because no one is better than someone else because of their race or gender. Fortunately, California voters passed this proposition with 54 to 46 percent vote. Table 1 shows further demographic breakdown of the state vote on Proposition 209. As visible on the chart, the traditional white male, protestant or catholic, conservative voter voted yes, but the minorities that had the rights taken away from them voted no. It can be assessed from the table that the minority voters are the main critics of proposition 209. Moderates and female voters were the closest vote, because 52 percent is barely a majority. It is also important to remember that the main California supporters were not reelected like Governor Wilson. Conservatives 77% Yes Latino 76% No $60,000 to $75,000 65% Yes Black 74% No Male 61% Yes Less than $20,000 59% No California has recognized the problems with affirmative action. They have recognized that it teaches that if you are a minority, you do not have to be as smart to get into college or bid as low to get a government contract. It is wrong that minorities can get more scholarships and get in to the university of their choose easier than the average, middle class white student. At some universities, an African American can get into a university with a lower GPA and lower test scores than a white applicant. Not only can they get into college, that student is eligible for scholarships that are based on race, not qualification. As the demographics change in the United States, the definition will also have to change, because then that group should not get to be listed as a minority. In the year 2010, it is expected that Latinos will be in the majority in the United States. At that time, white Americans should get to be called minorities, because they will no longer be the majority of the United States population. If white Americans were minorities, it would be with in reach for them to receive the same benefits that minorities are presently receiving. Affirmative action should be done away with totally before we get to this point in the future. If affirmative action still exists, that will mean that the nation is still seeing race and gender, not the person. Just about everyone has heard of affirmative action these days, but just what is it, really? Is it something only minorities really benefit from? Is it really as controversial as some people seem to think? Affirmative action is a term people use, but wh at it really means can be very misleading. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines affirmative action as positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded (Affirmative Action). Positive steps can mean many things, but here, they are meant to mean that women and minorities should enjoy the same rights and opportunities that anyone else in this country enjoys. It sounds simple, and it was meant to be simple, but the entire idea of affirmative action has become very controversial. Affirmative action was not a widely used term until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed into legislation. The term was associated with the Act, but still was not very common. It really came into use in the 1970s, when the American Secretary of Labor finally fully defined who was affected by the ruling, and what businesses, institutions, and educational facilities had to do to implement affirmative action and ensure women and minorities had the same rights as anyone else in the system. This is when the term began to become controversial, because many people began to see affirmative action as a kind of quota system, that forced businesses and education to admit certain numbers of women and minorities, even if they were not as qualified as other applicants. The Stanford Encyclopedia continues, Affirmative action, if it did not impose preferences outright, at least countenanced them (Affirmative Action). Therefore, affirmative action became increasingly controversial and disliked by many people. That did not stop affirmative action from gaining ground across the country. It was the law, and it was commonly used for educational admissions, employee hiring, and even guaranteeing that all people could qualify for decent, affordable housing. It continued to be controversial, but it also allowed many women and minorities to gain a foothold in the educational and business communities. Many people who companies and schools might have overlooked got good educations and decent jobs because of affirmative action. However, that did not stop other people from saying it was preferential and kept qualified men and whites out of jobs they were highly qualified for. Even President Clinton acknowledged the dilemma of how to choose between a white and a black using affirmative action procedures. He said, Imagine a college admissions committee trying to decide between the white [son] of an Appalachian coal miners family and the African American son of a successful Pittsburgh neurosurgeon. Why should the black applicant get preference over the white applicant? Many people came to hate the idea of affirmative action, and challenge it in the court system. In 2003, for example, affirmative action made headline news when students at the University of Michigans Law School finally had their day in the U.S. Supreme Court. They had initially filed a suit in 1997 that challenged the Universitys affirmative action admissions process. The two white students alleged that the university used race as a major factor in admissions to the Law School, and that it actually acted as reverse discrimination against more qualified white students. Eventually, the case made its way to the Supreme Court the first such affirmative action case heard in 25 years, and the Court supported the Univeristys admissions procedures. This opened up the topic for current debate and made it even more controversial. One thing is sure, affirmative action can be defined differently by different people. Some see it as a postive step for women and minorities, and others see it as a way to discriminate against white people Affirmative Action may have been a short-term solution to discrimination, but it has out lived its benefits. It is now encouraging reverse discrimination by setting quotas on the number of minorities required for a firm, contract, or school. America is now ready to become a color-blind society, and judge people on their merits, not their race or gender. We need to come together now as one nation, one world and one race the Human race, then and only then we will truly be a free country and a free people. Research Papers on Affirmative Action as Reverse Discrimination19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraQuebec and CanadaTwilight of the UAWRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andWhere Wild and West MeetComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoDefinition of Export QuotasOpen Architechture a white paperInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesResearch Process Part One

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Music History Between 1600-1820

Music began to change form the style of the Renaissance to a more complicated form around 1750. The period following the Renaissance is called the Baroque. "Music of any period reflects, in its own way, some of the same influences, tendencies, and generative impulses, that are found in the other arts of that time. Thus the word "baroque," usually used despairingly by eighteenth-century art critics to describe the art and architecture of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, came to be applied also to the music of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries." "The term has in the past, and to some extent in the present, carried implications of absurdity, grotesqueness, or abnormality. But as applied to the music of the period of 1600-1750 the term "baroque" has no such pejorative connotations, for much of the music of this time is of the finest quality." The Baroque style is easiest seen in the Baroque churches in Europe. It is obvious in the ceiling and altar paintings, the ornate carvings and metal work, and in the highly expressive sculpture. In music, aspects of the Baroque can are flamboyance, spectacle, and emotionalism in Italian Operas. Also, the use of dramatic in religious music and the massing together of large groups of voices and instruments. Some baroque was seen before 1600 and was seen after 1750 and the early baroque was first seen in the works of Montebverdi and in the Venetian School. The major-minor tonality actually emerged from this period and composers began to note the key within the titles of their music. Also pertinent to Baroque style of music, â€Å"a regular persistent rhythmic pattern was frequently used throughout a movement of an instrumental piece in order to constantly maintain a single basic mood.† The main texture of the Baroque was a similar rhythm in all of the parts with the horizontal motion mostly existing in the bass and soprano. There was also an emphasis on... Free Essays on Music History Between 1600-1820 Free Essays on Music History Between 1600-1820 Music began to change form the style of the Renaissance to a more complicated form around 1750. The period following the Renaissance is called the Baroque. "Music of any period reflects, in its own way, some of the same influences, tendencies, and generative impulses, that are found in the other arts of that time. Thus the word "baroque," usually used despairingly by eighteenth-century art critics to describe the art and architecture of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, came to be applied also to the music of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries." "The term has in the past, and to some extent in the present, carried implications of absurdity, grotesqueness, or abnormality. But as applied to the music of the period of 1600-1750 the term "baroque" has no such pejorative connotations, for much of the music of this time is of the finest quality." The Baroque style is easiest seen in the Baroque churches in Europe. It is obvious in the ceiling and altar paintings, the ornate carvings and metal work, and in the highly expressive sculpture. In music, aspects of the Baroque can are flamboyance, spectacle, and emotionalism in Italian Operas. Also, the use of dramatic in religious music and the massing together of large groups of voices and instruments. Some baroque was seen before 1600 and was seen after 1750 and the early baroque was first seen in the works of Montebverdi and in the Venetian School. The major-minor tonality actually emerged from this period and composers began to note the key within the titles of their music. Also pertinent to Baroque style of music, â€Å"a regular persistent rhythmic pattern was frequently used throughout a movement of an instrumental piece in order to constantly maintain a single basic mood.† The main texture of the Baroque was a similar rhythm in all of the parts with the horizontal motion mostly existing in the bass and soprano. There was also an emphasis on...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Columbia Sportswear Stock Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Columbia Sportswear Stock Analysis - Case Study Example Columbia Sportswear Company manufactures outwear including those meant for sports activities. The company is based in the United States and was started by Paul Lamfrom in 1938 who is the father of the Gert Boyle the current chairperson. Headquartered in Cedar Mill Oregon, Columbia Sportswear produces footwear, camping equipment, headgear, outerwear and skiwear having proved the highest seller of skiwear in America in the year 2001. The company has developed an international reputation through which it has managed to conduct their sales on an international platform developing their products more on quality standards, performance pact high functionality and giving value for money to the customers. The company deals with the designing of the products, their marketing and the distribution to the different markets that they create. The company has existed since 1938 amassing experience creating wisdom in business running. With more than 70 years in business, the company is in position to make viable decisions on product development with a mission to design and ensure delivery of authentic outdoor products of high value for all active consumers with no regard to ages. The company prides in understanding the needs of the customer well making products that keep customers comfortable and achieve protection from the different environmental effects or weather conditions. They provide products that can lead the market and help the customers achieve their market needs. The business started as a family business that developed slowly to reach the global market after the purchase of a small company Columbia Hat Company turning into today’s huge company Columbia Sportswear (Columbia History). This means that the current assets are in position to cover all the current liabilities of the company 4.15 times which means the company has a reasonable working capital that can take care of the business needs of the company. Working capital is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Contemporary History and the Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring Research Paper

Contemporary History and the Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring Revolution - Research Paper Example Cell phones provided substantial evidence to the international community to believe that the situation in Libya requires international intervention. Libyan Revolution: the role of Social Media and Cell Phones Arab Spring Arab Spring is the name given to the series of protests and demonstrations which took place during the last two years in various Middle Eastern and North African countries for over throwing the oppressive governments. The first revolution sparked up in Tunisia when on 18 December 2010 Tunisian people started to protest against the government following the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi. The minor protests gained immense popularity through the activists’ updates on social media sites, within hours the Tunisian capital was crowded with protestors; amid demonstrations and violence the government was overthrown. The success stories of the Tunisian revolution were not only covered by news agencies and reporters, those were also projected immensely on social me dia sites such as Facebook, Twitter and through blogging in other Arab countries. These stories motivated the oppressed people in these countries to protest against the dictatorial regimes of their governments. As a result the governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia were overthrown and the demands of the protestors were fulfilled by the government in other Arab countries (Manhire, 2012). ... The stories of success of revolution in one country were also conveyed through social media to other countries which triggered the expansion of the wave of protest to whole Arab world. Surprisingly no leaders emerged out of these revolutions, this is merely due to the fact that there were no leaders in the revolutions; the motivational and guiding role of the leaders was played by social media sites which turned out to be a vital tool for connecting activists and disseminating information. Social media helped in turning the random protests into organized ones as more than 3 million tweets, 5 million Facebook comments and thousands of blogs were written and published on internet during the protests in the Arab countries. The people of the Arab world had been against these dictators and oppressors for years but their protests and political activities were fragmented. Social media sites brought the public sentiment of shared grievance into light and acted as a source of change in the mi ndset of people making them politically active from being politically aware. It is true that political awareness cannot be created overnight; it is a long process which had already been initiated in the Arab world years ago, also through internet but not through social media. However, the driving force for pulling people into streets was provided by the activities on social media sites (Lynch, 2011). This modern methodolgy of protest and political activity was a new challenge for the dictatorial regimes of the Arab world and they did not have a strategy to face this challenge. As a result, the governments also took some decisions against these social media sites which worked in favor of the resolutions; for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Evaluating benefits of networks and performing network management Essay

Evaluating benefits of networks and performing network management responsibilities - Essay Example Local Area Networks (LAN) can be described in various configurations and layouts referred to as Network Topology. Network topology determines the connectivity and communications mode of nodes on a network. Topologies are described as either physical or logical.The most popular network topologies are:Bus topology provides the simplest network connection. A single cable connects all the computers and network peripherals. Each node communicates with any other node by using the physical address of the network card of the destination node. This physical address is called the Media Access Control (MAC) address. The cables are terminated at both ends. All network equipment or nodes are connected by cables to a central connection unit, or hub. The nodes communicate with each other via the hub. The hub could be a Server or a Router. The figure below shows a star network wiring.In a ring topology, all the nodes are linked in a logical circle. Data circulates from node to node via a connection unit known as Multi-station Access Unit (MAU). Note that a closed loop is formed with the cable returning to the first device.Devices are connected with many redundant interconnections between network nodes. In a true mesh topology every node has a connection to every other node in the network. As the number of nodes increases, so does the complexity and cost. They are not popular with LANs but are often used in WANs. 1.1 Advantages & Disadvantages of Networks in an Organization The following advantages follow from installing and managing efficiently, a LAN in an organization. Increased productivity: According to a 20% increase in productivity can be attained since less time is wasted searching for files or managing files manually. Data loss reduced :LANs server software provides facilities for automatic file backup and easy retrieval in accidental deletion. Protection of Business Information: Built-in firewall protection and secure remote access guards your network. Other security software are available to protect your network from Internet intruders: spam, e-mail attachments and spammers. Business Access anytime, anywhere: A LAN allows you to connect to your business anytime and from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Improved Team Performance: Your workers can work better as a team when they can share information resident on the LAN and collaborate anytime. Resources Sharing and Costs Reduction: LANs enable your organization to share resources such as Internet access and business software; equipment such as printers. Some of the disadvantages of LANs include the risk of exposure to the evils of the Internet , namely Internet fraud, identity theft, and loss of useful data that was not backed up before a network fails. 1.2 The OSI Reference Model A discussion on networks and network

Friday, November 15, 2019

Rise Of Nazism And Consolidation Of Power

Rise Of Nazism And Consolidation Of Power Although the Nazi Party ruled Germany for more than a decade, due to a unique combination of political gift and right circumstances, their path to success wasnt an easy one. In Germany, the 1920s began with a feeling of unfulfillment, rage and dismay amongst the people due to the exceedingly harsh treaty of Versailles imposed upon them. In those same early post-war years, the Nazi Party was extremely futile in the Reichstag, even eclipsed by the Communist Party (KPD) and the Socialist Party (SPD). Stresemanns enormous successes, during his reign as Chancellor, in the form of the Weimar Golden Years as well as Hitlers imprisonment post the unsuccessful and humiliating Munich Putsch, both contributed towards the diminutive influence of the Nazis with less than 2% of the votes in the Reichstag initially. The initial cause for the unpopularity of the Nazi party in the early 1920s was the outcome of the Munich Putsch; the imprisonment of Adolf Hitler, the Party leader. Senior Party members imprisonment and the widespread exposure of their proceedings in court by the media did bring the Nazi Party along with its ideas into the limelight, but unfortunately for the unfavorable reasons. The SA, or more commonly known as the brown shirts, were formed by Hitler as a Nazi military force consisting of army officers who were unemployed due to the Treaty of Versailles, with the sole motive to protect Nazi meetings, disrupt opposition meetings and be of use during rallies. However subsequent to the Munich Putsch, the SA men were considered to be undignified hooligans and were disliked due to their violent methods of functioning. The 1920s were right after the Great War and an extremely mortifying and severe Treaty of Versailles. During this time of chaos and mayhem, the last thing the people wanted was an unstable and a fragile governing body. They sought after a leadership that ensured stability, consolidation and progressive recovery in the tenuous post-war years. The extremist and radical ideology of the Nazis was regarded as too rebellious and seditious by the general people. The Nazi idea for the German nation, in regard to their ideology, was of a nation with pure German people working mutually to achieve a flourishing and successful future. Hitler perceived the Aryans to be the most superior race in the world and the one which was at the top of the hierarchy of races. This policy of racial purity was obtained from the theory of Social Darwinism; the survival of the fittest in any struggle between the races. An important part on Hitlers beliefs was the idea to build a lebensraum, a living quarter for t he purest race; the Aryans, in the Eastern European USSR region as part of his eastward expansion. These principles, although majority of them were adopted from the manifestos of other parties, symbolized a revolutionary perspective that further ensured instability, violence and hostility, which the people firmly disapproved of. The Nazi Party was analogous to the other extremist parties, and possessed no original or convalescing ideas. Even the hard-line anti-communist approach gravely affected the acceptance of the Nazi Party by eliminating the crucial support of the workers. Furthermore, Hitlers ideas of Anti-Semitism wherein he blamed a religion and its followers as the causes of the negativity in the world were of great concern. Historians believe that Anti-Semitism acted as a self-inflicted obstacle in Hitlers political career from the beginning till the end. People did not exactly share the same enthusiasm as Hitler as far as his policies of discrimination or his extremist ideology were concerned. One more imperative cause for the lack of Nazi success in the 1920s was the extremely lucrative appointment of Gustav Stresemann as the Chancellor of the Weimar Republic. Amidst the ongoing panic and hysteria due to the Ruhr Crisis and the Hyperinflation, Stresemann still managed to recover from the situation and succeed in numerous ways to begin what were known as the Golden Years. He gained immense admiration and respect from the people due to his recovery, as well as progress in the fields of Culture, Economy, Politics and Foreign Relations. The extremely crucial and constructive economic assistance, in the form of the Dawes and the Young Plans from US, gave financial aid to Germany, put a momentary freeze on reparations and also reduced the total amount of the same. Through this support, Stresemann managed to revive German industries and work towards a more stable and prosperous economy. The boosting investment in Germany subsequent to these plans facilitated in creating more factories, jobs and hence prosperity, in terms of higher wages and increased production figures in the entire nation. In the course of this recovery, the professional life as well as the standard of living of the people in Germany drastically improved. This retrieval of an affluent German economy gave the indication that democracy was effectively functioning in Germany, which in turn, minimized the support for extremist parties such as the Nazis. The flourishing culture under the policy of Neue Sachlichkeit or the letting go of traditionalism and focusing more on the functionality of art, and the Bauhaus Movement, which paved way for modern and contemporary architecture was a great success for the republic. A new era of writers, musicians, actors and artists embarked, which was recognized all over the world and was also immensely acknowledged by the people of Germany. The minimal censorship paved way for greater innovations and encouraged new forms of expression. These advancements made Germany the center of the cultural world which in turn bought a lot of pride and honor for the German people. Furthermore, it had an effect of escalating the popularity of the amenable republic and diverted the attention of the people from revolutionary parties such as the Nazis. The Weimar Years also witnessed remarkable triumphs in the area of Foreign Relations. The pacifying approach with the allies in order to gain concessions over the commitments of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles was a major accomplishment in regard to the Locarno Treaties, wherein Germany acknowledged its western borders as part of the Treaty of Versailles, but made no agreements about its eastern borders. Post these treaties, Germany was made a Permanent Security Council Member in the League of Nations. This had the outcome of altering the viewpoint of the German people in terms of making it buoyant and optimistic. Through these proceedings, Stresemann accomplished a willful attempt to contravene the clauses of the slave treaty, which was received with high enthusiasm and admiration by the German people. These signs of not abiding by the Treaty of Versailles ensured that the Nazi Party, with its extremist ideology, could not distract the support of the republic, which consecutivel y ascended the support of the same. The Nazi Party saw grave failures in the 1920s due to no clear path or direction, lack of popularity and most importantly the success of the Weimar Republic. However, the Golden Years of the Weimar Republic did end due to its reputation (burden of lost war and humiliating Treaty of Versailles) and most importantly the Great Depression of 1929. The Depression and the need of radical solutions didnt themselves bring the Nazis to power but created an audience for the Nazi Propaganda and ensured it wasnt falling on deaf ears. Assignment 1 (Depth Study A Germany 1918-45) Topic Rise of Nazism and consolidation of power Q2. What factors enabled the growth of Hitlers power in post war Germany? (10 marks) Although the Weimar Republic was exceedingly successful by escalating the popularity for the republic during the Stresemann era, the support never grew to an extent that the general sentiments of mistrust and abhorrence could be ignored. The use of emergency powers during the end of the republics supremacy, to run the government, depicted the failure of the Weimar Republic and the democratic system itself. The proportional representation in the Reichstag resulted in no one party taking control with an overall majority, which in turn saw the failures of various coalition governments in the office. The desire of the people for a leader who ensured stability and progress remained as an aspiration during the rise of unpopular leaders and the turmoil of the republic. On one hand was the chaos and disorder of the republic, but on the other hand, extremist parties such as the Nazis seemed as worthy alternatives to the republic due to their order and discipline. There is a saying that every big economical crisis is most likely to give rise to dictatorship. This holds true in Germany also as the Nazis gained enormously through the Great Depression of 1929. This global crisis sank all major support for the republic due to the dreadfully affected working population of Germany, especially the middle class. The Nazis were amongst the few parties who opposed the US aid in the form of the Dawes and Young Plan, fearing dollar imperialism. The crisis had an immediate effect of popularizing those very parties (such as the Nazis) who expressed fear of dependency on dollar. Depression didnt itself bring the Nazis to power but created an opportunity, possibility and an audience for Nazi propaganda. It lead to destruction of the republic and popularized those with radical solutions to the economic crisis. The economic crisis left two strong parties, with radical solutions, in the Reichstag; the Nazis and the Communists. Ironically, after the Great Depression, the growing strength of communism rather helped than hindered the Nazi Party. The Nazis increased their vote bank by receiving crucial votes from businessmen and other elite people simply because of the threat of communism on their businesses. Along with the support of the middle class through the re-organization of the party, the Nazis were now popular amongst the higher class too. Along with the threat of communism, the Nazis expressed their views dramatically and gave the skeptical public someone to blame. The minority groups such as the Jews, Communists, physically and mentally disabled as well as the detested republic were blamed for the crisis. This blame later transformed into policies of segregation, which later solved the problem of unemployment caused by Depression. In this time of predicament, Hitler, through propaganda campaigns, portrayed himself and his party leaders as firm, strong and proposed several new campaigns in order to solve the crisis, which was sincerely appreciated by the people. In addition, the Nazi Party benefited immensely due to their leader; Adolf Hitler. Despite his minimal knowledge about administration and economy, he still managed to appeal to mass audiences due to his brilliant oratory skills. He was a magnificent, influential speaker and made German people feel patriotic about their nation. Furthermore, Hitler benefitted immensely through his Propaganda Leader, Joseph Goebbels, who was the true creator and organizer of the Fuhrer myth, of feeding the theatrical element in the Nazi leader while at the same time stimulating the self-surrender of the German masses through skilful stage management and manipulation. Goebbels was exceedingly successful in his mission of selling Hitler to the German public and orchestrating the party under the Fuhrer as the savior of Germany from the republic, Jews, profiteers and Communists. The strong opposition the republic had to face; in terms of the Nazis in the right wing and the KPD and the SPD in the left wing, made the decision making of the republic through a consensus and majority extremely complex. The Weimar years also saw a shift from parliamentary to presidential rule through the Article 48 which gave President Hindenburg the constitutional framework to undermine democracy. This meant that the Reichstag could be dissolved whenever the President desired it to. This process of undermining democracy through the frequent use of Article 48 and a behind the scenes deal between Hitler, Hindenburg and Von Papen gave Hitler the legal route to success in terms of bringing the Nazis to power without them gaining 51% majority in the Reichstag. Furthermore, the Weimar Republic had a reputation based on lost war and an unfair humiliating Treaty of Versailles. Hitler, during his rallies and marches, stated frequently that he wished to undo the Treaty of Versailles and was deeply disgusted with the republic for signing it in the first place. Although Hitlers accusations on the republic werent very substantial, the humiliation faced by the people was enough for Hitler to gain their support against the republic. Despite not getting a 51% majority in the Reichstag, Hitler still managed to get his Nazi Party to power. Even though Hitler wasnt destined to be the Chancellor, he got lucky with political gift (Role of Hindenburg) and right circumstances (depression). Using the absence of the Communist Party and the Socialists due to Reichstag fire as an opportunity, Hitler passed the Enabling Law in 1933. This law gave Hitler, as the Chancellor of Germany, the power to rule by decree. This law meant the end of democracy in Germany and established the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. Assignment 1 (Depth Study A Germany 1918-45) Topic Rise of Nazism and consolidation of power Q3. How did Hitler consolidate his power in 1933-34? (10) Although the Weimar Republic did collapse leading to Hitler eventually becoming the chancellor of Germany in 1933, he still needed to consolidate and strengthen his position in order to fulfill his aims of a totalitarian and pure German nation. However, after being appointed Chancellor, Hitler found himself to be in a precarious situation wherein only 2 out of 9 cabinet members were Nazis. Hitlers insecurity in the form of President Hindenburgs authority over the appointment as well as the dismissal of a Chancellor, and the discontent of the army made the situation further uncertain. Viewing this, very few couldve anticipated that this man would go on to be the Fuhrer of the nation. The first extremely vital incident which took place in Feb 1933 was the Reichstag fire. The Nazis held the communists responsible for starting the fire and over exaggerated the dangers of the communist threat. The Decree for the Protection of the People and State was passed the following day, wherein President Hindenburg, using Article 48, suspended all civil rights in Germany. It gave the government the authority to arrest individuals without trial as well as the secret police to hold people indefinitely in protective custody. 4000 communists were taken into custody that very day. Hitler got supplementary powers through this decree and used it to get rid of opposition. In regard to the authoritarianism granted by President Hindenburg, Hitler took the most significant Nazi step of controlling Germany; the Enabling Law of 24th March 1933. This law meant that the cabinet, chancellor could pass any decrees without the Presidents involvement. This law needed 213 majority as constitutional amendment. Although it was an exceedingly demanding law to pass, under watchdog eyes of the SS and SA, the law passed by 441 vs. 94 in the Reichstag, with only opposition from the SPD. It was a great triumph for Hitler as he not only got dictatorship powers but was now exceptionally close to being the ultimate ruler of Germany. The Enabling Law gave Hitler immense supremacy in the form of passing laws without consulting the President or the Reichstag. What ensue subsequent to this Enabling Act were a series of laws. There was the Law of Restoration of Professional Civil Services wherein administration, courts, education purged of all alien elements; the Jews, communists. This law also extended into all public service, resulting in the elimination of thousands of Jews. This was the first instance when Hitler took a step in regard to his policy of Anti-Semitism against the Jews. Through this law, Hitler was creating the Aryan race as the superior one in Germany, which in turn was part of his aims for creating the lebensraum (living quarters in the east) for the purest race; the Aryans. Although the KPD and the socialists were forbidden from entering the Reichstag, Hitler yet again did not manage to get 51% majority in the Reichstag elections in March 1933. Following this defeat, Hitler began what was termed as the influence over the media. The government took control of the radio and press, and Goebbels was appointed as the head of the new Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. This meant that the Nazis were now controlling what the people of Germany were viewing and hearing. On May 2nd 1933, one day after the Day of National Labour, Hitler seized all trade union offices and incorporated all unions into the newly created German Labour Front (DAF). This way Hitler cleared off all potential threats or strikes to the German industries, amalgamated all the labour unions under one Nazi led union, and also established power over the working class of Germany. In regard to politics, Hitler passed the Law against Formation of New Parties in July. The KPD and the SPD had already been banned earlier, and other small parties had dissolved themselves. Through this law no new parties were permitted to form in the Reich. This leads to the conclusion that there was only one party remaining in Germany; the Nazi Party, and hence Germany was now a single party state. This denoted that Hitler had now cleared off all resistance as well as all probable future opposition to the Nazi Party. The Nazis were now ruling Germany and although not affirmed, Germany was now under dictatorship. The opposition from the workers as well as the parties was now terminated; thus it left only one viable rebellion to the Nazi dictatorship; the church. There was a Concordat signed in July, in which there was a mutual conformity between the state and the church in regard to which the church banned all political activity and in turn the government protected religious autonomy. This was the concluding step to pave a clear path for the Nazi dictatorship of Germany. Now the parliament, workers, as well as the church were under Nazi influence. The final, but a tremendously essential, significant and successful incident for the Nazis was the Night of The Long Knives. After procuring Chancellorship of Germany, the SA had been a form of humiliation and embarrassment for Hitler due to their awfully violent approach. The SA as well as its leader Ernst Rohm also posed as a threat to Hitler due to their aspiration of a second revolution in Germany and of being the main military unit in the Nazi regime. Hitler persuaded Hindenburg by accusing the SA of plotting a revolt in opposition to the government and prepared a plan which is better known as the Night of the Long Knives in History. Hitler got rid of most of the SA leaders including Ernst Rohm, the chief of the SA. Also using the authoritarianism presented by Hindenburg, Hitler skillfully used the situation to his advantage by getting rid of major hostility, including Strasser and Schleicher, Hitlers predecessors. Although the killings took place over the weekend, this event is termed as the Night of The Long Knives due to 2000 people being exterminated in one night. This incident proved enormously successful for the Nazis as the killing of the SA officials as well as the public vote of thanks by President Hindenburg brought Hitler immense popularity. Through this happening, Hitler portrayed himself as the just leader of Germany and gave the people the impression that he will not tolerate indiscipline and offenses, may it be in his own party, by his own party members. Also Hitler pleased the army by removing their constant alarming threat of the SA through this event. All these events consolidated Nazi power over Germany and eventually established hard lined Nazi dictatorship. After the death of Hindenburg, the last political figure who could possibly oppose Hitler, in July 1934, it was time for Hitler to take the last and final step. Hitler amalgamated the position of Chancellor and President to become the Fuhrer. The army tolerated Hitlers actions and the armed forces swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler in August 1934. What followed was autocracy, under Adolf Hitler, for more than a decade in Germany.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Furniture design is particularly dependent on trends. During a period of time, the design or general appearances of furniture design changes over the course of history which was influenced by architectural style. Therefore, there are many different types of furniture design available in the market nowadays including wall kitchen cabinets. Most wall cabinets are simply for storage but nowadays, people require durable, sturdy, long lasting yet affordable furniture with improved functionality. At present, in order to have the above mentioned qualities dictated by changing customer demand it is necessary to develop new types of furniture with improved functionality. The desire in furniture style to create new designs or different appearances led to the development of new manufacturing methods and materials used. The design and material of furniture have to meet the customer and manufacturer requirements (Petutschingg & Ebner, 2005). Kitchen cabinet is among the most important items for a home. Cabinets are available in many varieties of styles and design and are mainly used for storage...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sulfamic Acid Titration

Introduction: ? Neutralization reactions involve the reaction of an acid and a base to produce a salt (ionic compound) and water. Acid + Base ( Salt + Water ? In this lab, sulfamic acid (a weak acid which contains one acidic hydrogen) will be used: H2NSO2OH(aq) + NaOH(aq) ( NaOSO2NH2(aq) + H2O(l) (Net Equation: H+(aq) + OH-(aq) ( H2O(l)) ? Titration is a process of neutralization Titration is commonly used to determine the concentration of an acid or base in a solution. ? This process involves a solution of known concentration (the titrant or standard solution) delivered from a buret into the unknown solution (analyte) until the substance being analyzed is just consumed. The moles of H+ = moles of OH- at this point (called the equivalence point). ? Information about the analyte (i. e. mass) can be calculated at the equivalence point. The volume of titrant is recorded and the moles of titrant can then be calculated using n = C(V, where n = # of moles, C = concentration in mol/L and V = volume in L. ? The end point in a titration is often signaled by the color change of an indicator and occurs just slightly past the equivalence point. ? An indicator is a substance (weak acid) that has distinctively different colors in acidic and basic media. *Not all indicators change color at the same pH, so the choice of indicator for a particular titration depends on the strength of the acid and base.An indicator is chosen whose end point range lies on the steep part of the titration curve. ? The progress of an acid-base titration is often monitored by plotting the pH of the solution being analyzed as a function of the amount of titrant added (called a titration cur ve). Types of Titrations: 1. Strong Acid / Strong Base pH at equivalence point = 7 2. Weak Acid / Strong Base pH at equivalence point >7 3. Strong Acid / Weak Base pH at equivalence point

Friday, November 8, 2019

Developing of Leadership Skills

Developing of Leadership Skills Strong leadership abilities are necessary to ensure the success of any activity performed by a team. Leadership refers to a process through which one person uses the help and support of others towards achieving a particular goal or task. For one to be a truly effective leader, he/she must posses some leadership skills. Only then can one interact better with his followers and hence foster productivity. In this paper, I shall analyze some of the skills expected of a leader and evaluate how they apply in my leadership style.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Developing of Leadership Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The most important skill that a leader should have is the ability to identify his/ her team. Team identity is of great importance because it enables a leader to know who is on a team and the purpose of the team (Adair, 2010). Understanding a team’s mode of operation enables the leader to make deci sions that are considerate to all members need’s thereby instilling morale and boost team spirit. Motivational skills are among the core attributes that a leader must posses. Motivation is defined as a â€Å"process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals† (Kondalkar 2002, p.245). Bearing in mind the fact that the leader is tasked with marshaling the organization’s resources to accomplish some organizational goal, it can be rightfully stated that part of the role of the leader is to motivate his staff to achieve certain desired goals. As such, an exemplary leader must possess motivational skills to ensure that the employees have a high degree of commitment in their performance. Similarly, communication skills are of great importance to a leader. According to Greene and Burleson (2003) communication is arguably the corner stone on which any successful relationship, be it business or personal, is built. As such, a great leader should be able to effectively communicate the organizational goals, mission, vision and regulations to his/her subordinates. In so doing, the leader has a guarantee that set tasks shall be executed effectively and efficiently. This ensures that the organization works towards success. In addition, Adair (2010) asserts that a great leader should possess conflict resolution skills. In all organizations, there arise contentious issues which elicit different reactions from the organization members at some point in time. How these issues are diffused may spell out the difference between the subsequent success and failure of the organization. Having conflict resolution skills can play a crucial role in ensuring that the crises or contention is managed in a diplomatic manner. On the same note, a great leader should be flexible. By this I mean that a leader should be aware of his/her employee’s emotions and traits and consider them while making decisions. Disregarding these aspects may invariably lead to the failure of a team and subsequently, the organization.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In regard to the above skills, I often fall short when it comes to motivating fellow colleagues. This is mainly due to the fact that I do not interact well with others and I cannot eloquently express myself while under stress. This is most disturbing since communication and motivation are core attributes that can be used to promote team work. Regardless of these shortcomings, I believe that I can improve on these skills, thereby ensuring that I become a better leader in the future. Leadership seminars are seen as one of the way through which people can be empowered. Conflict management, communication and motivational skills can be gained through such seminars thus equipping an individual with ways and means of how to deal with issues arising from workplace interactions. Ad option of a policy of openness to dissimilarity can further act in the good of workplace communication. This paper set out to investigate what effective leadership consists of in business and organizations setting. To this end, the paper has highlighted the skills expected from good leadership and subsequently articulated how the skills of an effective leader impact on the organization. It has been seen that the adoption of an effective leadership skills in an organization will yield to higher productivity which will subsequently result in the attainment of the organizational goals of increased productivity. From the discussions forwarded in this paper, it has been noted that a lack of these leadership skills can lead to lack of focus and generally unmotivated workers hence lowers profitability of the entire organization. References Adair, J. (2010). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Develop Yourself as a Leader; Lead at a Strategic Level; Grow Leaders in Your Organization. USA: Kogan Page Publishers. Greene, O., Burleson, R. (2003). Handbook of communication and social interaction skills. New York: Routledge.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Developing of Leadership Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kondalkar, P. (2002). Organization effectiveness and change management. USA: PHI learning Pvt. Ltd.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on I Infect Your Soul

My darkness fades from view And enters deep into you I infect your soul Let my darkness swallow you whole You are part of my dreams I am the precursor to your screams I engulf your spirit And take you to the limit Taking you over the edge Leaving you dangling on the ledge To jump and die Go on, pretend you can fly Let me watch you fall to the ground I will watch with joy unbound Let me take away your life Let me hand you this sharpened knife End it all And beware the fall Deep down into my dark black hole I am the keeper of your poor lost soul Come join with me Embrace me Clutch me to your breast Let my dark magic do the rest We are the terrors that fly in the night There is no point in putting up a fight Let us entwine Your wretched soul is mine Let us again embrace And leave behind this damned human race Your body is nothing but an empty shell Your soul belongs with me in Hell I infect your soulLet my darkness swallow you whole... Free Essays on I Infect Your Soul Free Essays on I Infect Your Soul My darkness fades from view And enters deep into you I infect your soul Let my darkness swallow you whole You are part of my dreams I am the precursor to your screams I engulf your spirit And take you to the limit Taking you over the edge Leaving you dangling on the ledge To jump and die Go on, pretend you can fly Let me watch you fall to the ground I will watch with joy unbound Let me take away your life Let me hand you this sharpened knife End it all And beware the fall Deep down into my dark black hole I am the keeper of your poor lost soul Come join with me Embrace me Clutch me to your breast Let my dark magic do the rest We are the terrors that fly in the night There is no point in putting up a fight Let us entwine Your wretched soul is mine Let us again embrace And leave behind this damned human race Your body is nothing but an empty shell Your soul belongs with me in Hell I infect your soulLet my darkness swallow you whole...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Groupwork Tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Groupwork Tools - Essay Example The important aspects or tools through which the productivity of team work is affected are numerous. Therefore, to accomplish utmost efficiency, group or any team work requires certain tools to enhance the chances of accomplishing targets. Working effectively in a group involves few basic and compulsory steps which include introduction, looking for similarities with any group member, listening intently to others, praising others, taking turns, honesty, invisible support to others, avoiding arguments and conflicts, pleasantly providing alternatives for suggested ideas by other member so to put it more optimistically, promoting humor, showing courtesy and frankness if need be, giving opportunity to new and young members to share their ideas and put all the ideas in writing without missing important suggestions, being generous to share ideas with a group and appreciate them on uniqueness brought by them and finally shared decision making (Pausch, 1998). The more positive attitude and energy prevail in a group, the maximum creativity and productivity can be attained from a group work (Sawyer, 2012). The problems which can be faced by any group member are due to the apathetic attitude of other group members, which directly affects the learning process and, hence, an individual is unable to bring his share of productivity in it (Clark, 2003). Often, many abilities aren’t recognized unless a person indulges himself in a group activity which supports and shines out the ability in him (Douglas, 2000). Therefore, aloof and tactless behavior hinders the learning and developing process of other group members and decreases the chance of attaining shared vision. Absence of cooperative and collaborative approach dwindles the interest of others and, hence, reduces the chance of learning experience or recognition of one’s hidden potential (Brody, 1998). If a team member is unaware of the group

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business communication - Essay Example I did research on print media, television, outdoor billboards, conferences and web page advertisements. I found out that television has the advantage of high concentration information and attracts high attention from viewers hence being one of the best media for reaching many people. I also realized that Product launch conferences were also appealing to high-end customers who want to get firsthand information about the product directly from manufacturers at the first instance of the products availability. Magazine as an avenue for print media was also appealing to the audience especially those that that have specific tastes in certain customized magazines. Placing adverts in such magazines enhances its appeal to people. This whole exercise took me about one week to gather and present in a coherent manner. Initially, I thought the area I was assigned to research on was quite wide for one person. I had this opinion especially having in mind the whole field of advertisement and the different considerations one has to make before placing a given product to a given medium. This, however, changed after I had realized I was not to cover social media and outdoor advertisement. I also realized that other members were also assigned areas that were even wider than what I was allocated and that required much to research on. In fact, the task took me less effort and time than I anticipated because with the help of other group members. I learned that teamwork is better and that a task may appear difficult only before being started. Also, I got to learn more about the different types of media advertisements, their applicability, and advantages. By the end of the group task, I was knowledgeable in presentation tactics as a skill that I will be able to apply in official work when employed. Given another chance, I would still prefer to work with these group members. I realized the group had a challenge of lacking the needed concentration at the initial stages. This