Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reading skill Essay

Highlighting or Underlining Key Ideas When you highlight or underline key words and ideas, you are identifying the most important parts of the text. There’s an important skill at work here: You can’t highlight or underline everything, so you have to distinguish between the facts and ideas that are most important (major ideas) and those facts and ideas that are helpful but not so important (minor or supporting ideas). Highlight only the major ideas, so you don’t end up with a text that’s completely highlighted. An effectively highlighted text will make for an easy and fruitful review. When you jump back, you’ll be quickly reminded of the ideas that are most important to remember. Highlighting or underlining major points as you read also allows you to retain more information from the text. Skim ahead and jump back. Mark up the text. Make speci? c observations about the text. Skimming Ahead and Jumping Back Skimming ahead enables you to see what’s coming up in your reading. Page through the text you’re about to read. Notice how the text is broken down, what the main topics are, and the order in which they are covered. Notice key words and ideas that are boldfaced, bulleted, boxed, or otherwise highlighted. Skimming through the text beforehand will prepare you for what you are about to read. It’s a lot like checking out the hills and curves in the course before a cross-country race. If you know what’s ahead, you know how to pace yourself, so you’re prepared to handle what’s to come. When you ? nish your reading, jump back. Review the summaries, headings, and highlighted information in the text. Notice both what the author highlighted and what you highlighted. By jumping back, you help solidify in your mind the ideas and information you just read. You’re reminded of how each idea ? ts into the whole, how ideas and information are connected. When you make connections between ideas, you’re much more likely to remember them. Circling Unfamiliar Words One of the most important habits to develop is that of circling and looking up unfamiliar words and phrases. If possible, don’t sit down to read without a dictionary by your side. It is not uncommon for the meaning of an entire sentence to hinge on the meaning of a single word or phrase, and if you don’t know what that word or phrase means, you won’t understand the sentence. Besides, this habit enables you to quickly and steadily expand your vocabulary, so you’ll be a more con? dent reader and speaker. If you don’t have a dictionary readily available, try to determine the meaning of the word as best you can from its context—that is, the words and ideas around it. (There’s more on this topic in Lesson 3. ) Then, make sure you look up the word as soon as possible so you’re sure of its meaning. Marking Up the Text Marking up the text creates a direct physical link between you and the words you’re reading. It forces you to pay closer attention to the words you read and takes you to a higher level of comprehension. Use these three strategies to mark up text: x – HOW TO USE THIS BOOK – Making Marginal Notes Recording your questions and reactions in the margins turns you from a passive receiver of information into an active participant in a dialogue. (If you’re reading a library book, write your reactions in a notebook. ) You will get much more out of the ideas and information you read about if you create a â€Å"conversation† with the writer. Here are some examples of the kinds of reactions you might write down in the margin or in your notebook:  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦ Making Observations Good readers know that writers use many different strategies to express their ideas. Even if you know very little about those strategies, you can make useful observations about what you read to better understand and remember the author’s ideas. You can notice, for example, the author’s choice of words; the structure of the sentences and paragraphs; any repetition of words or ideas; important details about people, places, and things; and so on. This step—making observations—is essential because your observations (what you notice) lead you to logical inferences about what you read. Inferences are conclusions based on reason, fact, or evidence. You are constantly making inferences based on your observations, even when you’re not reading. For example, if you notice that the sky is full of dark, heavy clouds, you might infer that it is going to rain; if you notice that your coworker has a stack of gardening books on her desk, you might infer that she likes gardening. If you misunderstand what you read, it is often because you haven’t looked closely enough at the text. As a result, you base your inferences on your own ideas and experiences, not on what’s actually written in the text. You end up forcing your own ideas on the author (rather than listening to what the author has to say) and then forming your own ideas about it. It’s critical, then, that you begin to really pay attention to what writers say and how they say it. If any of this sounds confusing now, don’t worry. Each of these ideas will be thoroughly explained in the lessons that follow. In the meantime, start practicing active reading as best you can. Begin by taking the pretest. Questions often come up when you read. They may be answered later in the text, but by that time, you may have forgotten the question! And if your question isn’t answered, you may want to discuss it with someone: â€Å"Why does the writer describe the new welfare policy as ‘unfair’? † or â€Å"Why does the character react in this way? † Agreements and disagreements with the author are bound to arise if you’re actively reading. Write them down: â€Å"That’s not necessarily true! † or â€Å"This policy makes a lot of sense to me. † Connections you note can be either between the text and something that you read earlier or between the text and your own experience. For example, â€Å"I remember feeling the same way when I . . . † or â€Å"This is similar to what happened in China. † Evaluations are your way of keeping the author honest. If you think the author isn’t providing suf? cient support for what he or she is saying or that there’s something wrong with that support, say so: â€Å"He says the dropping of the bomb was inevitable, but he doesn’t explain why† or â€Å"This is a very sel? sh reason. † xi READING COMPREHENSION SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY Pretest B efore you start your study of reading skills, you may want to get an idea of how much you already know and how much you need to learn. If that’s the case, take the pretest that follows. The pretest consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering all the lessons in this book. Naturally, 50 questions can’t cover every single concept or strategy you will learn by working through this book. So even if you get all the questions on the pretest right, it’s almost guaranteed that you will ? nd a few ideas or reading tactics in this book that you didn’t already know. On the other hand, if you get many questions wrong on this pretest, don’t despair. This book will show you how to read more effectively, step by step. You should use this pretest to get a general idea of how much you already know. If you get a high score, you may be able to spend less time with this book than you originally planned. If you get a low score, you may ? nd that you will need more than 20 minutes a day to get through each chapter and improve your reading skills. There’s an answer sheet you can use for ? lling in the correct answers on page 3. Or, if you prefer, simply circle the answer numbers in this book. If the book doesn’t belong to you, write the numbers 1–50 on a piece of paper and record your answers there. Take as much time as you need to do this short test. When you ? nish, check your answers against the answer key at the end of this lesson. Each answer offers the lesson(s) in this book that teaches you about the reading strategy in that question. 1 – LEARNINGEXPRESS ANSWER SHEET – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 3 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d – PRETEST – Pretest The pretest consists of a series of reading passages with questions that follow to test your comprehension. Cultural Center Adds Classes for Young Adults The Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults. Director Leah Martin announced Monday that beginning in September, three new classes will be offered to the Allendale community. The course titles will be Yoga for Teenagers; Hip Hop Dance: Learning the Latest Moves; and Creative Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within. The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library. Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes. Ms. Cousins is an accomplished choreographer as well as an experienced dance educator. She has an MA in dance education from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she wrote a thesis on the pedagogical effectiveness of dance education. The journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford. Ms. Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library as well as a columnist for the professional journal Library Focus. The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center’s Project Teen, which was initiated by Leah Martin, Director of the Cultural Center. According to Martin, this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more integral part of the Allendale community. Over the last several years, the number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined. Project Teen is primarily funded by a muni? cent grant from The McGee Arts Foundation, an organization devoted to bringing arts programs to young adults. Martin oversees the Project Teen board, which consists of ? ve board members. Two board members are students at Allendale’s Brookdale High School; the other three are adults with backgrounds in education and the arts. The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High School, and students who complete the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal entries in Pulse, Brookdale’s student literary magazine. Students who complete the hip hop class will be eligible to participate in the Allendale Review, an annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actors, musicians, and dancers. All classes are scheduled to begin immediately following school dismissal, and transportation will be available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library. For more information about Project Teen, contact the cultural center’s programming of? ce at 988-0099 or drop by the of? ce after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog. The of? ce is located on the third ? oor of the Allendale Town Hall. 2. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Tricia Cousins will teach two of the new classes. b. The new classes will begin on June 1. c. People who want a complete fall catalogue should stop by the Allendale Public Library. d. The cultural center’s annual concert is called Pulse. 1. The Creative Journaling for Teens class will be cosponsored by a. The Allendale Public Library. b. The McGee Arts Foundation. c. Brookdale High School. d. Betsy Milford. 5 – PRETEST – 6. The title of the course â€Å"Creative Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within† implies that a. all young people should write in a journal daily. b. teenagers do not have enough hobbies. c. writing in a journal can help teenagers become better and more creative writers. d. teenagers are in need of guidance and direction. 3. According to Leah Martin, what was the direct cause of Project Teen? a. Tricia Cousins, the talented choreographer and dance educator, was available to teach courses in the fall. b. Community organizations were ignoring local teenagers. c. The McGee Arts Foundation wanted to be more involved in Allendale’s arts programming. d. She wanted to make the cultural center a more important part of the Allendale community. 7. Which of the following correctly states the primary subject of this article? a. Leah Martin’s personal ideas about young adults b. The McGee Foundation’s grant to the Allendale Cultural Center c. three new classes for young adults added to the cultural center’s arts program d. the needs of young adults in Allendale 4. Which of the following factors is implied as another reason for Project Teen? a. The number of people who have visited the cultural center has declined over the last several years. b. The cultural center wanted a grant from The McGee Arts Foundation. c. The young people of Allendale have complained about the cultural center’s offerings. d. Leah Martin thinks classes for teenagers are more important than classes for adults. 8. This article is organized in which of the following ways? a. in chronological order, from the past to the future b. most important information ? rst, followed by background and details. c. background ? rst, followed by the most important information and details. d. as sensational news, with the most controversial topic ? rst 5. From the context of the passage, it can be determined that the word â€Å"muni? cent† most nearly means a. complicated. b. generous. c. curious. d. unusual. 6 – PRETEST – (excerpt from the opening of an untitled essay) John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was followed ten years later by A. B. Guthrie’s The Way West. Both books chronicle a migration, though that of Guthrie’s pioneers is considerably less bleak in origin. What strikes one at ? rst glance, however, are the commonalities. Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are primarily farmers. They look to their destinations with nearly religious enthusiasm, imagining their â€Å"promised† land the way the Biblical Israelites envisioned Canaan. Both undergo great hardship to make the trek. But the two sagas differ distinctly in origin. Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off their land by the banks who own their mortgages, and they follow a false promise—that jobs await them as seasonal laborers in California. Guthrie’s farmers willingly remove themselves, selling their land and trading their old dreams for their new hope in Oregon. The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms in Missouri and the East is frivolous and ill-founded in comparison with the Oklahomans’ unwilling response to displacement. Yet, it is they, the pioneers, whom our history books declare the heroes. 11. Which of the following excerpts from the essay is an opinion, rather than a fact? a. â€Å"Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are primarily farmers. † b. â€Å"Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off their land by the banks who own their mortgages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  c. â€Å"John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was followed ten years later by A. B. Guthrie’s The Way West. † d. â€Å"The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms in Missouri and the East is frivolous and ill-founded in comparison with the Oklahomans’†¦Ã¢â‚¬  9. From the context of the passage, it can be determined that the word â€Å"frivolous† most nearly means a. silly. b. high-minded. c. dif? cult. d. calculated. 10. Suppose that the author is considering following this sentence with supportive detail: â€Å"Both undergo great hardship to make the trek. † Which of the following sentences would be in keeping with the comparison and contrast structure of the paragraph? a. The migrants in The Way West cross the Missouri, then the Kaw, and make their way overland to the Platte. b. The Oklahomans’ jalopies break down repeatedly, while the pioneers’ wagons need frequent repairs. c. Today’s travelers would consider it a hardship to spend several days, let alone several months, getting anywhere. d. The Joad family, in The Grapes of Wrath, loses both grandmother and grandfather before the journey is complete. 12. The language in the paragraph implies that which of the following will happen to the Oklahomans when they arrive in California? a. They will ? nd a means to practice their religion freely. b. They will be declared national heroes. c. They will not ? nd the jobs they were promised. d. They will make their livings as mechanics rather than as farm laborers. 7 – PRETEST – Bill Clinton’s Inaugural Address (excerpt from the opening) When George Washington ? rst took the oath I have just sworn to uphold, news traveled slowly across the land by horseback and across the ocean by boat. Now the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously to billions around the world. Communications and commerce are global. Investment is mobile. Technology is almost magical, and ambition for a better life is now universal. We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the Earth. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and remaking our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already enriched the lives of millions of Americans who are able to compete and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less; when others cannot work at all; when the cost of healthcare devastates families and threatens to bankrupt our enterprises, great and small; when the fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom; and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend. 15. When President Clinton says that â€Å"most people are working harder for less,† he is a. reaching a reasonable conclusion based on evidence he has provided. b. reaching an unreasonable conclusion based on evidence he has provided. c. making a generalization that would require evidence before it could be con? rmed. d. making a generalization that is so obvious that evidence is not needed. 13. What is the central topic of the speech so far? a. how Americans can keep up with global competition b. ways in which technology has undermined our economy c. ways in which technology has improved our lives d. how change has affected America and our need to adapt 14. By comparing our times with those of George Washington, Bill Clinton demonstrates a. how apparently different, but actually similar, the two eras are. b. how technology has drastically speeded up communications. c. that presidential inaugurations receive huge media attention. d. that television is a much more convincing communications tool than print. 16. Assuming that Clinton wants to add something about crime being a more serious threat in our time than in George Washington’s, which of the following sentences would be most consistent with the tone of the presidential speech? a. If I’d been alive in George’s day, I would have enjoyed knowing that my wife and child could walk city streets without being mugged. b. In George Washington’s time, Americans may not have enjoyed as many luxuries, but they could rest in the awareness that their neighborhoods were safe. c. George could at least count on one thing. He knew that his family was safe from crime. d. A statistical analysis of the overall growth in crime rates since 1789 would reveal that a signi? cant increase has occurred. 8 – PRETEST – The Crossing Chapter I: The Blue Wall (excerpt from the opening of a novel by Winston Churchill) I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George the Third, in that part of his realm known as the province of North Carolina. The cabin reeked of corn-pone and bacon, and the odor of pelts. It had two shakedowns, on one of which I slept under a bearskin. A rough stone chimney was reared outside, and the ? replace was as long as my father was tall. There was a crane in it, and a bake kettle; and over it great buckhorns held my father’s ri? e when it was not in use. On other horns hung jerked bear’s meat and venison hams, and gourds for drinking cups, and bags of seed, and my father’s best hunting shirt; also, in a neglected corner, several articles of woman’s attire from pegs. These once belonged to my mother. Among them was a gown of silk, of a ? ne, faded pattern, over which I was wont to speculate. The women at the Cross-Roads, twelve miles away, were dressed in coarse butternut wool and huge sunbonnets. But when I questioned my father on these matters he would give me no answers. My father was—how shall I say what he was? To this day I can only surmise many things of him. He was a Scotchman born, and I know now that he had a slight Scotch accent. At the time of which I write, my early childhood, he was a frontiersman and hunter. I can see him now, with his hunting shirt and leggins and moccasins; his powder horn, engraved with wondrous scenes; his bullet pouch and tomahawk and hunting knife. He was a tall, lean man with a strange, sad face. And he talked little save when he drank too many â€Å"horns,† as they were called in that country. These lapses of my father’s were a perpetual source of wonder to me—and, I must say, of delight. They occurred only when a passing traveler who hit his fancy chanced that way, or, what was almost as rare, a neighbor. Many a winter night I have lain awake under the skins, listening to a ? ow of language that held me spellbound, though I understood scarce a word of it. â€Å"Virtuous and vicious every man must be, Few in the extreme, but all in a degree. † The chance neighbor or traveler was no less struck with wonder. And many the time have I heard the query, at the Cross-Roads and elsewhere, â€Å"Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’? † 18. Judging by the sentences surrounding it, the word â€Å"surmise† in the third paragraph most nearly means a. to form a negative opinion. b. to praise. c. to desire. d. to guess. 17. Why did the narrator enjoy it when his father drank too many â€Å"horns,† or drafts of liquor? a. The father spoke brilliantly at those times. b. The boy was then allowed to do as he pleased. c. These were the only times when the father was not abusive. d. The boy was allowed to sample the drink himself. 9 – PRETEST – 22. Which of the following adjectives best describes the region in which the cabin is located? a. remote b. urban c. agricultural d. ?at 19. The mention of the dress in the second paragraph is most likely meant to a. show the similarity between its owner and other members of the community. b. show how warm the climate was. c. show the dissimilarity between its owner and other members of the community. d. give us insight into the way most of the women of the region dressed. 23. The author most likely uses dialect when quoting the question, â€Å"Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’? † in order to a. show disapproval of the father’s drinking. b. show how people talked down to the narrator. c. show the speakers’ lack of education. d. mimic the way the father talked. 20. It can be inferred from the passage that Alec Trimble is a. a traveler. b. a neighbor. c. the narrator’s father. d. a poet. 21. What is the meaning of the lines of verse quoted in the passage? a. Men who pretend to be virtuous are actually vicious. b. Moderate amounts of virtuousness and viciousness are present in all men. c. Virtuous men cannot also be vicious. d. Whether men are virtuous or vicious depends  on the dif? culty of their circumstances. 10 – PRETEST – (excerpt from a letter to a pet-sitter) Dear Lee, As I told you, I’ll be gone until Wednesday morning. Thank you so much for taking on my â€Å"children† while I’m away. Like real children, they can be kind of irritating sometimes, but I’m going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they’re getting some kind human attention. Remember that Regina (the â€Å"queen† in Latin, and she acts like one) is teething. If you don’t watch her, she’ll chew anything, including her sister, the cat. There are plenty of chew toys around the house. Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal, just divert her with one of those. She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew. Then you’ll see her wandering around whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth. She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to bury the thing. She’ll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch. Finding that unsatisfactory, she’ll wander some more, discontent, until you solve her problem for her. I usually show her the laundry basket, moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them. I do sound like a parent, don’t I? You have to understand, my own son is practically grown up. Regina’s food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room, where the other pet food is stored. Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening. No more than that, no matter how much she begs. Beagles are notorious overeaters, according to her breeder, and I don’t want her to lose her girlish ? gure. She can share Rex (the King’s) water, but be sure it’s changed daily. She needs to go out several times a day, especially last thing at night and ? rst thing in the morning. Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time, so she can do all her business. She also needs a walk in the afternoon, after which it’s important to romp with her for awhile in the yard. The game she loves most is fetch, but be sure to make her drop the ball. She’d rather play tug of war with it. Tell her, â€Å"Sit! † Then, when she does, say, â€Å"Drop it! † Be sure to tell her â€Å"good girl,† and then throw the ball for her. I hope you’ll enjoy these sessions as much as I do. Now, for the other two, Rex and Paws†¦ (letter continues) 26. According to the author, his or her attachment to the pets derives at least partially from a. their regal pedigrees and royal bearing. b.having few friends to pass the time with. c. these particular animals’ exceptional needs. d. a desire to continue parenting. 24. The tone of this letter is best described as a. chatty and humorous. b. logical and precise. c. con? dent and trusting. d. condescending and preachy. 25. If the pet-sitter is a business-like professional who watches people’s pets for a living, she or he would likely prefer a. more ? rst-person revelations about the owner. b. fewer ? rst-person revelations about the owner. c. more praise for agreeing to watch the animals. d. greater detail on the animals’ cute behavior. 27. The information in the note is suf? cient to determine that there are three animals. They are a. two cats and a dog. b. three dogs. c. a dog, a cat, and an unspeci? ed animal. d. a cat, a dog, and a parrot. 11 – PRETEST – 29. From the context of the note, it is most likely that the name â€Å"Rex†is a. Spanish. b. English. c. French. d. Latin. 28. Given that there are three animals to feed, which of the following arrangements of the feeding instructions would be most ef? cient and easiest to follow? a. all given in one list, chronologically from morning to night b. provided separately as they are for Regina,  within separate passages on each animal c. given in the order of quantities needed, the most to the least d. placed in the middle of the letter, where they would be least likely to be overlooked. 30. If the sitter is to follow the owner’s directions in playing fetch with Regina, at what point will he or she will tell Regina â€Å"good girl†? a. every time Regina goes after the ball b. after Regina ? nds the ball c. when Regina brings the ball back d. after Regina drops the ball (excerpt from a pro-voting essay) Voting is the privilege for which wars have been fought, protests have been organized, and editorials have been written. â€Å"No taxation without representation† was a battle cry of the American Revolution. Women struggled for suffrage as did all minorities. Eighteen-year-olds clamored for the right to vote, saying that if they were old enough to go to war, they should be allowed to vote. Yet Americans have a deplorable voting history. Interviewing people about their voting habits is revealing. There are individuals who state that they have never voted. Often, they claim that their individual vote doesn’t matter. Some people blame their absence from the voting booth on the fact that they do not know enough about the issues. In a democracy, we can express our opinions to our elected leaders, but more than half of us sometimes avoid choosing the people who make the policies that affect our lives. 33. By choosing the word â€Å"clamored,† the author implies that a. eighteen-year-olds are generally enthusiastic. b. voting was not a serious concern to eighteenyear-olds. c. eighteen-year-olds felt strongly that they should be allowed to vote. d. eighteen-year-olds do not handle themselves in an adult-like manner. 31. This argument relies primarily on which of the following techniques to make its points? a. emotional assertions b. researched facts in support of an assertion  c. emotional appeals to voters d. emotional appeals to nonvoters 32. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the main idea of the passage? a. Americans are too lazy to vote. b. Women and minorities fought for their right to vote. c. Americans do not take voting seriously enough. d. Americans do not think that elected of? cials take their opinions seriously. 12 – PRETEST – Improving Streamside Wildlife Habitats (excerpt from Habitat Extension Bulletin distributed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department) Riparian vegetation [the green band of vegetation along a watercourse] can help stabilize stream banks; ? lter sediment from surface runoff; and provide wildlife habitat, livestock forage, and scenic value. Well-developed vegetation also allows bank soils to absorb extra water during spring runoff, releasing it later during drier months, thus improving late-summer stream ? ows. In many parts of the arid West, trees and shrubs are found only in riparian areas. Woody plants are very important as winter cover for many wildlife species, including upland game birds such as pheasants and turkeys. Often this winter cover is the greatest single factor limiting game bird populations. Woody vegetation also provides hiding cover and browse for many other species of birds and mammals, both game and nongame. Dead trees (â€Å"snags†) are an integral part of streamside habitats and should be left standing whenever possible. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, brown creepers, and other birds eat the insects that decompose the wood. These insects usually pose no threat to nearby living trees. Occasionally a disease organism or misuse of pesticides will weaken or kill a stand of trees. If several trees in a small area begin to die, contact your local extension agent immediately. 36. Assume that the author has done some other  writing on this topic for a different audience. The other piece begins: â€Å"Remember the last time you walked along a stream? No doubt thick vegetation prevented easy progress. † What is the likely effect on the reader of this opening? a. an aroused interest, due to the reference to the reader’s personal experience b. resentment, due to being addressed so personally c. loss of interest, because the opening line makes no attempt to draw the reader in d. confusion, because not every reader has walked along a stream 34. What is the effect of the word choice â€Å"riparian†?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease which affects the nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord. It causes damage the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects nerve cells (Marieb, 2012). This damage slows down the process in which the brain relays messages to the rest of the body, leading to a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common include pain and numbness; fatigue; walking, balance, and coordination problems; bladder and bowel dysfunction; vision problems; cognitive dysfunction; emotional changes and depression (National Multiple Sclerosis Society, n. . ). Though the exact cause of MS is unknown, it’s widely thought to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases arise from an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body (Marieb, 2012). In other words, the body actually attacks its own cells. The immune system mistakes some part of the body as a pathogen and attacks it. The disease affects women more than men, often beginning sometime between the ages of 20 to 40. Recently, a study found that the incidence of MS appears to be higher in African American women than in caucasians, contradicting previous findings (Langer-Gould, Brara, Beaber, & Zhang, 2013). The disease is usually mild; however, some people lose the ability to write, speak and/or walk. No cause or cure for MS has been found. It remains a mysterious disease with no known pathogen or even known determinants of its severity and course. Three recently published studies say that salt may play a role in MS and other autoimmune diseases, although no study has found a direct link between high salt intake and increased incidence of MS. On a more peculiar note, researchers in England have been investigating how the month of birth (May and November) affects the chances of having MS later in life. It’s thought that it could have something to do with climate, sunlight, and intake of vitamin D (Disanto et al. , 2013). Many of the medicines available for use by MS patients only slow the progress of the disease. The most common treatments involve interferons. Interferons are a group of natural proteins (beta, alpha, gamma) that are produced by human cells in response to viral infection and other stimuli (NMSS, n. d. ). The FDA has approved three treatments in the form of beta interferon called Avonex, Betaseron, and Rebif. Beta interferon has been shown to reduce the number of exacerbations and may slow the progression of physical disability (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012). When attacks do occur, they tend to be shorter and less severe. A synthetic form of myelin basic protein, copolymer I, has also been approved and it has few side effects. For more severe or chronic cases, an immunosuppressant treatment (mitoxantrone) has been approved. While steroids do not affect the course of MS over time, they can reduce the duration and severity of attacks in some patients. Spasticity, which can occur either as a sustained stiffness caused by increased muscle tone or as spasms that come and go, is usually treated with muscle relaxants and tranquilizers (NINDS, 2012). Patients can also help control symptoms through adequate physical activity and occupational therapy. Exercise, especially stretching exercises, helps relieve stiffness and promote flexibility and mobility. With advances in the understanding of the brain come advances towards developing a cure for Multiple sclerosis. Improved ability to create images of the living brain and spinal cord, new understanding of the brain's capacity for repair, and an overall accelerated pace of new discoveries about the cellular machinery of the brain have lead to new therapeutic strategies. These strategies include gene therapy, stem cell transplantation, and neuroprotection strategies (Joy & Johnston, 2001). Very recently, a biotechnology company developed a new MS drug based on peginterferon beta-1a. Studies of peginterferon beta-1a show that, when injected under the skin either every two or four weeks, reduced the relapse rate significantly more than placebo in a study of 1500 people with relapsing MS (Biogen Idec, 2013). Myelin and the cells that make myelin, called oligodendrocytes, are the main focus of many MS studies. Scientists and medical research organizations (such as The Myelin Project) are trying to find ways to stimulate myelin regeneration in patients by uncovering the mechanisms involved in myelin regeneration. Once discovered, they could eventually be translated to promising new therapeutic approaches to restore function in people with MS.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Public sector finance and cntrol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public sector finance and cntrol - Essay Example through provision of Discretionary Council Tax in a manner that: The payments are made in complex situations and incidences of anomalies thereby enabling different quarters of the society to handle issues ascribed to short term financial crises that would hinder them from paying their normal taxes. However, the essence of applying Discretionary Council of Tax should not focus on undermining the natures as well as the purpose of the Normal Council Tax Support Scheme. Moreover, it should not focus of supporting irresponsible behavior or common practices associated with not paying taxes among the quarters of the society. Consequently, the process should not focus on provision of funds in a manner that the expenditure the maximum permissible by the Local Council Tax. Another method that may be applied to achieve the desired tax charge by the council is provision of Awards. The Awards can be provided to meet current tax needs rather than compensate for past tax debts. In this regard, retrospective payments made be subjected to appreciation thereby reducing Council Tax arrears. The Process of Incremental Budgeting entails a scenario where new Budgets are formulated taking into consideration facets of the previous annual budget. In this regard, increments are usually made in order to fulfill projected needs for the current year using the pats budgets years for purposes of references. Incremental budgets are pertinent owing to the fact that it facilitates the aversion of risks, reinforces incidences of equilibrium created by political facets and provides an efficient and effective platform for stakeholder decision-making. In regard to tax setting, there are various factors that are usually taken into consideration; the fist factor is equality and uniformity. That is, all taxes should be levied in an equal and uniform manner. In addition, the process of levying tax entails a scenario whereby; certain time limits are stipulated for collection of taxes i.e. ends of every

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sonny's blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sonny's blues - Essay Example People of the club are generally referred to as being friendly with Sonny; serving to depict the contrast that exists between the inner and the outside world. At the same time, the author takes on a defensive tone when he tries to justify Sonny's drug addiction; "In order to keep from shaking to pieces" (Baldwin, 40). However, the author holds his sympathy in one hand and his honesty in the other; he criticizes the addiction of drugs in bitter words, blaming it to be the cause of pain and misery for Sonny. Baldwin's creation of characters is interesting in the sense that almost all characters have markedly contrasting personalities. Moreover, the characters are not merely characters; they are in fact representations of the classes of our society. Sonny, for example represents the drug affected population of the society. The prominent features associated with this character include the aspects of poverty, being black, various limitations imposed by the society, willingness to escape f rom his prevailing circumstances, suffering imprisonment and being a prisoner even after being released from the jail which is depicted by words like "caged animal". Likewise, the character of mother not only represents the mothers as an institution but also serves the purpose of explaining the role of all those in the society who actively engage in helping others. Baldwin associates a number of roles that he expects a mother to play; prophetic, saint-like and protector of the family. The writer has used a number of symbols to assist his understanding and to convey a clearer message to the reader. His use of jazz music appears to be associated with negative aspects of life like addiction and drugs. Later in the story, this symbol takes on an entirely new form and serves to establish a connection between the brothers. Another imagery that the writer uses often is ice. This is used to convey negative feelings and emotions that arise in response to unfavorable conditions. The discomfor t felt during such circumstances is especially troublesome for the author, which is expressed by the author in words like "it was a special kind of ice. It kept melting, sending trickles of ice water all up and down my veins, but it never got less" (Baldwin, 17). It also contains an element of longevity that is felt during conditions of stress. The writer has also utilized 'light' as a symbol for revelation. On various occasions during the different phases of story, light is used to point to a fact that was previously unrevealed to the readers as well as the characters of the story. Overall, the story revolves around the idea of sufferings and misery that mankind undergoes as a result of ghastly deeds. The author appears to be of the idea that although some elements in the society promote evils, the person who commits a crime is left alone to suffer in the end and this suffering continues till the end of life. The story sharpens our understanding of the human nature by providing clu es to the human nature in the form of various symbols and incidents which are relatable to our real lives. A number of facts are hidden from the readers in the start, which are revealed later on in the story; this serves as a means of understanding how life unfolds it secrets with the passage of time. The story also has a religious touch, which perhaps is a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The topic depend on what writer writing about Essay

The topic depend on what writer writing about - Essay Example The Kimberly Mines, which is up for sale, deals with the extraction of diamond for export purposes (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). However, the article does not offer cost analysis of the mine in regards to the expected revenues and investor benefits. This is vital to for more buyers to invest to boost the recovery business in the African state. It indicates the aspects that hinder the management of De Beers from managing several mines in the country. The environmental analysis is appropriate because Kimberly Mines is located in a prime area where transportation and extraction is efficient (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). The function of the mine in pulling stones from the old-mine can be converted into sustainable utilization within the diamond industry (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). For instance, the stones are essential for construction purposes by other users. This is because the contractors cannot easily access the minerals and have to dig deeper to trace the diamonds in the derelicts. I like the article and would encourage the writers to consider follow-up of the sale. Thank you so

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pubic health pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pubic health pharmacy - Essay Example Each ethnicity has different barriers that they must overcome to help them prevent, manage, or cure a certain health issue. During the behavioral diagnosis, each student was responsible for interviewing two African Americans and understanding their view of health problems. Diabetes and high cholesterol were the other two major health concerns among the African American society along with hypertension. Many of the people that were interviewed had one of these diseases themselves or someone in their immediate family were suffering from these diseases. The disease according to the interviewers was more common for people that were busy with uptight schedules. From our perspectives and understanding many of the interviewers didn’t seem to take their health as significantly as they should be. From such observations, we concluded perhaps they are not as aware of the risks and prognosis of such a potent disease. The SPSS data helped us confirm the major health concerns among the Afric an-American population. Hypertension was the highest risk among the society with 35% followed by high cholesterol with approximately 20% and diabetes with 17%. The percentage is equal to the amount of people that were aware of their health conditions in each of the different disease states. Arthritis, Anemia and liver disease were not as common in the population as much as the other three stated above. Based on our interpretation of these data and our behavioral diagnosis we concluded hypertension as the most common risk among African-Americans. In the environmental diagnosis each one of the group members focused on a specific part of New York City that had a majority of African-Americans. To make it city wide we chose throughout the different boroughs. Comparing our results together we found a few things in common. All the areas had relatively many fast foods and a very few healthy food stores such as


DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMPACT DISC AND RECORDS - Essay Example The record technology was improved till 1980s when cassette technology was introduced which displaced the vinyl records significantly. The popularity of cassette went down when compact disc and mini disc were introduced in 1990s. Differences Size: Initially, the records were as big as 16 inches in diameter which was reduced to as low as 7 inches by the time. However, the most popular models used in that time were 12 inches. On the other side, Compact discs are only 4.75 inches in diameter which makes it a much more flexible product. Compact Disc also comes in small sizes, commonly know as Mini CD. The diameter of these Mini CDs ranges from 2.4 to 3.1 inches. The smaller is the size, the lesser will be data capacity. Production: Records are created with an element called black lacquer vinyl, which is the reason it is commonly called Vinyl Record. Contrary, CDs are developed with 1.2 millimeters thick polycarbonate plastic coated with aluminum and a thin translucent acrylic protective coating (Morgan). A CD weights around 15 to 20 grams. The thin layer of aluminum makes it reflective. A lacquer layer is used for spinning and label printing. Wear and Tear: Records are less likely to be abandoned and torn as compared to Compact Discs. Vinyl records are â€Å"hard† records, made up with black lacquer. ... CDs are susceptible to skips and clicks whereas Vinyle records usually play in any situation since they are analog. Price: The price of records is much higher because of the high cost expenditure incurred in manufacturing process. However, Compact Discs are comparatively cheaper and can stored hefty amount of data. Sound Quality: Vinyl records can play music as good as CDs. The difference is extremely small and negligible (Vinyl Vs. CD Part 3. Sound Difference Between LP’s and CD’s). After researching thoroughly, it is concluded that some extreme music lovers still prefer Vinyl over CDs, claiming the sound quality of Vinyl is richer. However, the differences in the sound quality are nearly inaudible to a normal human being and Vinyl and CDs overshadow each other only in some genre of music. Recording/Writing: Vinyl records needs a vinyl cutter for recording or copying songs in a record. These vinyl cutters are extremely expensive, costing about $10,000, thus making it i mpossible for common people to have it in their possession. Contrary, CDs can be written with the help of CD burner which are cheaply available in market, ranging from $15 to $25. Moreover, CD-R is a kind of Compact Disc which has the re-write feature. There is also a major difference between analog and digital recording. Analog recording is used in recording vinyl records, which varies a property or characteristic of a physical recording medium through air pressure (Elsea). Contrary, digital recording is developed when the physical properties of the original sound are converted into sequence number through an analog-to-digital converter which makes it able to be recorded and read back through a digital medium such as CD (Elsea, Basics of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Vitamin D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vitamin D - Essay Example se is of course individuals that live in far northern latitudes where temperature concern requires these individuals to remain thoroughly covered so that frostbite and/or exposure to inclement weather is not affected. A secondary group of individuals that is negatively impacted by the degree and extent to which they are able to gain healthful level of exposure to the sun, in order to encourage the body to create vitamin D naturally, are those individuals within societies that are relatively wealthy and spend the majority of their time indoors. However, there is a third contingent of individuals that must be considered with respect to low vitamin D levels and the impact this on out. These are with regards to women that live within conservative Muslim nations in and around the equator; specifically Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the following analysis will focus specifically upon the difficulties in achieving sufficient levels of vitamin D for female stakeholders within Saudi Arabia, some of the means by which diet can be leveraged as a function of promoting vitamin D levels within the human body, the effects of vitamin D deficiency, and ways to raise awareness with regard to the impacts of low vitamin D levels. Firstly, with respect to low vitamin D levels that are represented within the female population of conservative Muslim societies, this is oftentimes the result of the fact that strict norms of morality prevent women from showing anything more than their hands or a brief space around the eyes. Whereas it is not the goal of this particular paper to discuss whether or not the niqab is ethical or moral, in a universal standpoint, it must be noted that these moral restrictions create a situation through which vitamin D creation from the sun is nearly impossible (Vanni et al., 2014). As women remain cloistered behind layers of dark fabric, the overall amount of time that they are able to spend outside, or in public in general, is restricted. Furthermore, the extreme

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss the influence of Christianity during the rise and fall of the Essay

Discuss the influence of Christianity during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. OR Discuss the importance of Christianity during the Carolingian era - Essay Example His laws were based on Christianity and the dogma preached by the church would be seen as little more than Draconian today but in the Carolingian era the church saw Charlemagne as a hero for the faith (Story 15). His objectives for conquest could have been to encourage the growth of Christianity but power and repute certainly came with the conquests made by Charlemagne. These conquests were certainly beneficial to his standing in the eyes of other rulers around him who saw him as a competitor and those who saw him as a friend. It was this repute as a conqueror which led Pope Leo III to seek his assistance when the pope was removed from power and wished to regain his seat. The support of the pope meant a great deal to Charlemagne since it gave him the legitimacy as a king as well as a spiritual leader for his followers. This support was firmly established with Christian ideals when Charlemagne was made the Emperor of the Romans (Rogers 27). The coronation of Charlemagne was done by Pope Leo III and it took place a few days after Charlemagne had agreed to help the Pope regain his throne. The coronation was unannounced and is supposed to have happened when Charlemagne was leaning on the Altar to pray on Christmas day and the pope took the Iron Crown and placed it on Charlemagne’s head. The pope then announced that Charlemagne was Imperator Romanorum i.e. Emperor of the Romans. While it has been suggested that Charlemagne did not want this, West (345) and Bullough (352) imply that this was certainly wanted by Charlemagne since Christianity was an important aspect of his politics. Such a coronation gave him the blessings of the established church to do what he wanted to when the Pope was restored to power. This was called by Story as a â€Å"defining event that epitomizes the spirit of the age (Story 2)†. Of course this was not the first instance that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tourism Planning Discussion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tourism Planning Discussion Paper - Essay Example Tourism industry seeks to renew the development process, stimulate a country’s economy, encourage the preservation of the cultural heritage and create international peace and harmony. The tourism industry generates potential employment opportunities on a large scale. It pays homage to all the countries in the world characterized by diverse culture and symbolism. Tourism industry is also represented as the multicomponent industry with different industries of economic importance interlinked inextricably. The greatest contribution to this Industry comes from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and World Trade Organization (WTO). There are innumerable political and economical challenges faced by the global tourism industry extending from the terrorism threats to the global recession and that of the Communist Eastern Bloc. The positive impact of tourism clearly justifies the tourism development while the negative impacts of the environment stimulate the need for better and fresh tourism planning (Trade-wings Institute Of Management, 2000). The trend followed by the tourism development range from the systematic approach to those of contemporary ones. According to Waterson and Rose, Planning is a complex and ambiguous process. The concept of Physical Planning existed from the early centuries. According to Branch, â€Å"cities in India as early as 3000 B.C were divided into the square blocks, oriented to the cardinal points and laid out to allow the circulation between them†. In United Kingdom, the planning was in practice for two centuries as pointed by Cherry. The physical layout plan dates back to Greek and Roman. The physical and social illness caused due to industrialization led to the stimulation for planning in England. With the addition of social and economic dimension to planning, emerged the concept of tourism planning. Jafari observed and acknowledged the fact of changing professional and popular meaning of tourism. Now

Monday, July 22, 2019

Weekly refection Essay Example for Free

Weekly refection Essay Home Page  » Business and Management Mgt 521. Weekly Reflection In: Business and Management Mgt 521. Weekly Reflection Weekly Reflection MGT/521 Learning Team A Team A: Weekly Reflection In this paper, Learning Team A will collaborate on Week One objectives while expressing our level of comfort and discomfort to the following topics: †¢ Identify channels for business communications †¢ Evaluate credibility and validity of sources of information. †¢ Develop effective arguments The information addressed within our Weekly Reflection will provide direction for effectively distinguishing between formal and informal business communication channels. In addition, Learning Team A agrees that identifying the proper business communication channel will ensure the appropriate channels are used and messages are transmitted efficiently through the communication process. Lastly, Learning Team A will also address how the weekly topics relate to our field of business. Team A: Identify channels for business communications In efforts of identifying the various channels for business communication Learning Team A was able to relate to and understand collectively the various forms of communication used within business. We all share the common fact of possessing secure employment; however, the areas of business vary from entrepreneurship, management, and the medical field. Considering our areas  of employment differ with regards to the area of business in which we all specialize in, they all come down to the some of the same channels for business communication. Two primary channels of business included face to face and email communication. Within entrepreneurship, management and the medical field utilizing the benefits of face to face and email communication is most effective. In the area of patient care, customer service and management, conducting one’s self within direct proximity of another individual is extremely common.

Victorian Britain Essay Example for Free

Victorian Britain Essay In Victorian times people were more susceptible to being lied to and were a lot more gullible, which is probably why they could believe a lot of the writing more. This is because the Victorians suspension of disbelief was far greater than any of ours today. The Sherlock Holmes mysteries were perfect for their time, but the Holmes character was also reflective of perfection, whereas in todays society we generally prefer our characters to have more flaws, to make them seem more human, although Sherlock Holmes classically still appeals to many. The Cardboard Box describes Sherlock Holmes not only as a very good detective but also as an ear expert, which today we would not believe as very few people could be this clever or perfect, but then the Victorians liked it to be like that and they would believe it, each ear is as a rule quite distinctive, and differs from all other ones. In last years anthropological journal you will find two short monographs from my pen upon the subject. I had therefore examined the ears in the box with the eyes of an expert, and had carefully noted their anatomical peculiarities. Imagine my surprise then, when, on looking at Miss Cushion, I perceived that her ear corresponded exactly with the female ear which I had just inspected. This illustrates Sherlock Holmes talking about his knowledge of ears, such intelligence of which is highly unlikely if he is also admitted as being a very good detective. In The Man with the Twisted Lip, Holmes has somehow managed to figure out that the dirty beggar, Boone, was in fact the well respected, upper class Neville St Clair Holmes stooped the water jug, moistened his sponge, and then rubbed it twice vigorously across and down the prisoners face. Let me introduce you he shouted, to Mr Neville St Clair, of Lee, in the county of Kent. Somehow even though it has deluded every other detective and policemen working on this crime, Holmes had managed to figure it out when no one else could. This again is highly unbelievable that he could have figured it out as he had an insufficient amount of clues. But what is even more unbelievable is from The Speckled Band, where all the clues Holmes had was a dog lead, a bowl of milk and a whistling sound. Somehow he managed to figure out that from this a snake was ordered by the whistling sounds and fed on the milk, and was controlled using the dog lead, and that the snake went up through a fake vent into the next the bedroom and climbed down a fake bell pull to bite the victim and then ordered back by the whistle and tempted back into a safe by the saucer of milk. It is unlikely that anyone, even Sherlock Holmes, should have been able to figure that out with the clues he had. Finally he took the bell rope in his hand and gave it a brisk tug. Why its a dummy, said he. Wont it ring? No its not even attached to a wire. This is very interesting you can see now that it is fastened to a hook just above where the ventilator is. No one else had realised that the bell rope did not work, no one had even realised it wasnt hooked up to a wire but one quick look around the room by Holmes and was enough to see that it was not and he also noticed that there was a fake ventilator when he didnt even know where it led to. All these things show us that many people of Victorian Britain were a lot more susceptible to unbelievable things whereas today we tend to prefer things to be more realistic and more huma. We prefer a character to be flawed, whereas Victorians preferred their characters to be perfect, e. g. Sherlock Holmes. So, in conclusion the Sherlock Holmes stories can tell us a lot about Victorian Britain. We can identify that it was a place where class was everything, and that you should stay in the class you were born into. The upper class citizens were the people that mainly read these books and they appeared to like the seedier side of things, as they thought it was a true aspect of what really happened, which they preferred not to accept, but if it was in a book it was acceptable. The British people thought that they were better than every other ethnic group and saw it as being okay to discriminate against them and be racist whereas today we would not accept it and it is a crime. There was a lot more common crime in those times as well, which came up a lot in the stories as each was based around a crime, with even the higher class people committing crimes like going to opium dens among other things. Poverty as well was a lot more rampant in the Victorian times as no one seemed to be bothered about the poor, as it was part of their everyday life to be or to see a lot of poverty in the streets. The stories also told us about the Victorians love of all things gothic, the architecture, dark clothes and writing; gothic writing contained a lot of murder, ghosts, evilness and darkness. They were also depicted as being a lot more gullible than we are today and would believe almost anything that they were told in stories and were not bothered if it did not seem real. We can see this from Holmes perfect character and how he did not even have one flaw. To summarise, Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories combine many elements which give us a very good representation of Victorian life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Team work

Organizational Behavior and Team work Managers are born on job; Leaders are born when they are seven The above statement well is the reflective saying of the basic difference between Management and leadership theory. A managers main task includes organizing, controlling, planning and directing the activities in an organization to produce profitable results. A manager could possess leadership skills and make its use in some scenarios but leadership alone is not efficient for a manager and hence not essential. A manager performs activities as per the rules of the organization while leaders do things based on their own instinct which sometimes does prove more rewarding for the company. Leaders are selected to lead a team of members but sometimes it has a negative impact on the team as well. I would like to draw out some points from an well known leading software company INFOSYS to evaluate as what the best in this organization amongst leadership and management. This Paper will give an understanding of teamwork and the techniques and procedures required to contribute to and lead an effe ctive team. This work then goes on to cover the tools and techniques needed to enables learners to select a process or part for improvement and apply continuous improvement techniques in any organization in this supersonic era. Skills required for Leaders and Managers Have willing followers Get results through other people Use influence Must have authority The right to lead is earned from followers The right to manage is granted by ownership Have personal power and position power Intend to make changes Produce goods and services At any time, a follower can walk away and follow a different leader, or simply stop following The leader with heart and soul and just do what it takes to get by. Leaders cannot impose their vision on anyone or force anyone to follow them. There are informal leaders in every organization. They have no position power, no authority, no title; but they have influence, personal power, and followers. Leadership is not a title or a position; it is the earned right to lead, positively or negatively, by those who follow. If we think back about people with we have enjoyed working with. Were they leaders or Managers? Hopefully we have experienced, and enjoyed, both. Recognizing the Differences, whatever we are, be the best manager or leader we can be. There is a difference INDUSTRY I chosen the Top most Software Company which is adopting world class learning corporate systems giving its best in this supersonic competitive world. Infosys This is one of the leading software companies which have its headquarters in India. It is ranked as the second leading It companies that is present in India. It have spread worldwide and it finds its place in almost 22 countries around the world which includes U.S, U.K, Canada, and Australia and may more. This was founded by Mr.: N. R. Narayana murthy along with his seven of his friends which mainly concentrates on the software development of the company. This concern really increases the economic growth of the country. It also serves the country by eradicating of unemployment crisis, serving the poor and the Orphanage people in the country. Role of Leadership Leadership in Infosys is extensively concerned as one of the companys greatest conspicuous features and its function in forming the organization and its group has been written about significantly. Executive vice-president of human resources Pratik Kumar, at rival Wipro, explains Infosys as a very ambition story. This success, says Kumar has come through its set of leaders with strong values and teamwork. Infosys is also considered as being founder-led by many both inside and beyond the organization. A few months ago, Infosys established a recent policy making council and has produced more non-founders into the core management of the company in order to dispel this notion and to strengthen its next generation of leaders. Performance management Infosys Believes that the most guaranteed way of improving teamwork is to applying the principles of performance management to the groups behaviors They are as follows: Identifying teamwork behaviors will lead to best performance (the TARGET Performance) Analyzing which teamwork behaviors are currently being used (the CURRENT Performance) Practical analysis between target and current teamwork Performance, and taking action to bring current teamwork performance closer to the target. 1. TARGET Performance Recognizing and control of difficulties is likely among them such as, executives and clients. Making it easy to discussion among the working group, and the others beyond the group in order to have better functioning. Broadening the view of working on operational objectives, to their best interest, to make difference in their objectives. 2. Current Performance Present situation The ethics in business The opinions beyond the working group The likeness, chosen by the group There are number of influences Innovative Training process Infosys strongly believe in the innovation training process in making global leaders. This helps to mingle the customers and the company in a productive way. They clearly understand that the company revenue factor increases once if they handle the client with almost care and sincerity. Innovative steps and new ideas are always welcomed by Infosys in making strong team. They believe that Business depends on the operational leaders On the other hand they believe in the faster innovation learning process which helps the industry to grow in a fruitful path. Henceforth they depend upon the increasing speed factors for improving continues skills depending on the challenges. Infosys understands very well that the success is growing only because of the hard work, dedication provided by the employee. Therefore building a strong relationship and helping the team is essential for the concern to keep upon. Infosys mainly focus and take all possible steps to understand the team in all aspects. ha s a fine blend of diverse breeds of employees with different mentalities. Managers task here is to get the best out of these people to acquire optimal results and client recognition. Learning Objectives Achievement by Infosys falls the way of defining the sentient by powerful stages. Infosys chooses that the personnel absorb the tasks at hand and the objectives by 29 percent more incoming of comparing the other firms. (Watson Wyatt Work Study). The staff chooses their tasks to a better figure as 75% as the industrys assignment assay turned of how the executive is performed (workplace 2006 Infosys Employee Insight Survey). To be recognized and respected as one of the premier associations of HR Professionals. (HR Association of Greater Detroit) The individuals concept essay for every personnel may set-in as straight forward of few utterances on paper or more to achieve further as to become contend as part of the team at Infosys. . . Learning Techniques Learn the modern leadership styles. Infosys follow Participative style, Consulting style, Negotiate style, Delegative style, Directive style. As per the recent studies leaders are very comfortable using these styles. Once these styles are achieved by them, then they learn leadership styles. They believe that if we master them all then they can become a better leader. Improving communication skills. They try to spend at least one hour a day talking to team on how they are performing. If staff are doing well, then they are in part doing their job well. Prioritize your time. Providing time to work out and establish them self is the best quality which employees have in Infosys. This does not occur by chance, because they think that the best leaders are organized and prepared for the week and the months and even in further years. This is in identifying both long period strategic planning and short period operational. Sandwich technique Infosys keep on with this technique where they first begin talking to a person in a good way, then put the difficult subject or hard topic in the middle, then also end on a positive suggestion. This seems much better than just mentioning the negative matters to a staff member. Suppose a sandwich or a burger. begin with the bread on the top which is the discussion, then the burger Pattie is the difficult subject, then the lowest part of the burger is the conclusion of another positive declaration about that person. These are the few steps that Infosys follow to build Leaders in a successful team. What makes a good Leader in Infosys? To become a good leader these are the qualities needed experienced knows what to do productive problem solver Open minded listens Supportive challengeable, makes it safe for others to contribute Personal initiative Positive style Problem Solving Technique In Infosys Team Identification of the problem establish a cooperative setting concur on values for discussion Invite all opinions stay fact-based in our verdicts Be durable on the subjects, not on each other Put in reserve any individual memo exterior any supposition and prejudice classify and examine the issues, pertinent proofs, and enhanced replies recognize conceivable resolutions and their benefits and disaffects Solve the single inquiry which is the most wanted resolution? MAJOR CLIENTS They serve Aerospace, Banking and capital markets, Automobile, communication services, education, Health care, Insurance, manufacturing, Retail and utilities. Major IT services are covered by this company. This includes Application services, architecture services. Independent validation service, Infrastructure service, Knowledge services, and system Integration services. TEAM GATHERING Infosys strongly believe in team gathering on every week that is on Friday to discuss the progress of various projects and issues if faced any. Our managers used to be with us for the call. Manager should always present in the office to guide new project and make sure that everything is working smoothly. In this gathering managers will be in conference across the globe to highlight points about the management team and performance. LACKING LEADERSHIP If I talk about every single team in Infosys, the senior members in the team play the role of a team leader. Infosys always welcome fresh talents from IIMs and premier B Schools in India apart from recognizing in house talent. Whenever a fresh manager joins a team, there are chances of role conflicts between manager and the team leader. There is always a problem with existing senior employees to listen to a new leader or manager because they feel that they know the process well than them and could take suitable decisions which is true to some extent at that point of time. Leaders take blame if any issue or problem arises within their team and they give credit where it is due. I would like to write down few instances or observations where I felt leadership team work to be improved Leaders in various teams taking credit for junior developers work, which is not expected of a leader. During major project launches, developers were asked by managers to handle specific tasks within a decide d time frame. Leaders always set new direction for the team but the way of working in a corporate ike Infosys is established. CONCLUSION Taking decisions by Management should be improved for continues learning.Comapany should takes all the facts relating to the employment which emphasis individual task, development of organization, quantitative output and the compliance of employee. Management favors quality, recognition, performance, flexibility and the rights of employment relations. The open management system explored the superiority of human resource and considered it as the backbone of every organization. The business strategy comprise of career development of an individual, relationship among employees, team work and the task. All those severe rules were destroyed for the orientation of the business; achieve proactive measures and the self regulation (Dessler, 2003). Hence duty of a Company became a long-term strategy and it completely resides only for team build up and team performance. (Beardwell, 2004) REFERANCES LaFasto, F. and Larson, C. (2001) When Teams Work Best (Sage Publications) pages 29 and 85 . Greenberg, J.R. Baron, R.A. (2000). Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition. Prentice Hall: New Jersey. Laurie.J.Mullins, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Financial Times Management; 5th edition (May 1999) Ancona, Deborah G., Thomas Kochran, John Van Maanen, Maureen Scully and Eleanor Westney,  Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes (New York: Southwestern College Publishing, 3rd ed., 2005). Web links (Accessed on 7/03/2010) (Accessed on 7/03/2010) (Accessed on 8/03/2010) (Accessed on 9/03/2010)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Transition to Parenthood Essays -- Parenthood Pregnancy Fertilizat

The Transition to Parenthood Section 1: The case study Today, in western industrialized nations, the decision whether or not to have children is, as Berk (2004) describes it a â€Å"†¦.matter of individual choice† (p.460). This contrasts with many non western nations where what Michaels (1988, cited in Berk, 2004) describes childbearing as, â€Å"†¦an unavoidable cultural demand† (p.460). Research on the New Zealand population suggests that couples are having children at a much later phase of life. The median age for a woman to give birth is now 30.3 years, compared with her counterpart in the early 1970’s who gave birth at 24.9 years. There is also an increasing amount of individuals foregoing parenthood altogether. Statistics also show a trend towards later marriages and smaller families (www.stats.govt.nzfertility-rates) and couples living together especially in the early stages of the relationships ( Many factors contribute to the marked shift from early to delayed childbearing. Berk (2005) suggests financial circumstances, personal and religious values and health conditions are influencing factors. While Barber; Tangri & Jenkins (cited in Berk, 2004) suggest that women with high-status, demanding careers will less often choose parenthood than those with less time consuming positions. Other factors may include how the parents feel a new baby will impact on their lives in terms of disrupted sleep, caregiving tasks and the couple’s relationship. Harry was 36 and Sally 34 when Sally fell pregnant. The previous 10 years were spent forming an intimate relationship, travelling, working and saving money for the future. Both focussed through their schooling years, earned high paying jobs and travelled intermittently. Both came from high socio-economic families and aspired to their parent’s life achievements. Being able to raise a child without concerns over money was the main motivation behind both Harry and Sally’s joint decision to delay childbearing. Financial independence, they felt would be achieved through owning their own property and having money in the bank. Once pregnant Sally suffered from morning sickness and her employer encouraged her to take time off when needed to rest; and at eight months pregnant Sally finished work, while Harry continued to work evenings and weekends. Harry’s long working hours had not ... ...he extended family, the couples workplaces, the support within the community, social services available and the overarching belief of a nation at that particular time all work together and ultimately provide a notion of how well the individual and the family unit adjusts. Reference List Berk, L.E. (2004). Development through the lifespan (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Families Commission (2005). Let’s give a fair go to families. Retrieved April 26, 2005 from the World Wide Web: Heath, P. (2005). Parent-child relationship: history, theory, research, and context (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Hutchins, T. & Sims, M. (1999). Program planning for infants and toddlers: An ecological approach. Australia: Prentice Hall. Lefrancois, G.R. (1999). The lifespan (6th ed., pp. 45-48). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. (2001). Human development (8th ed., pp. 501-503). Boson: McGraw-Hill. Statistics New Zealand (2005). Fertility rates. Retrieved April 5, 2005 from the World Wide Web:

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay -- Essays Papers

The Complications of Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Gawain's travels in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight suggest a world in which home--i.e., Camelot--is "normal," while away--the opposing castle of Hautdesert where Gawain perforce spends his Christmas vacation--is "other," characterized by unfamiliarity, dislocation, perversity. And in fact the atmosphere at Hautdesert appears somewhat peculiar, with various challenges to "normal" sexual identity, and with permutations of physical intimacy, or at least the suggestion of such intimacy, that are, to say the least, surprising. The typical journey of medieval romance juxtaposes a "real" world where things and people behave according to expectation with a "magical" world in which the usual rules are suspended. According to this paradigm, we might expect that this poem would place Hautdesert outside the bounds of tradition, separated by its difference from the expectations that govern Camelot and the remainder of the Arthurian world. However, Gawain's journey away from Camelot and back is framed by references, in the first and last stanzas, to the journeys into exile of Aeneas and of Brutus, the legendary founder of Britain, that complicate this apparent opposition. As this paper will argue, this framework complicates the poem's presentation of gender and sexuality. Rather than a clear opposition between, say, marital sexuality and everything else, we find a situation in which potentially adulterous acts and kisses among men are vested with varied--and shifting--values. The poem uses references to the (imagined) British past to complicate any simple reading of the tale it tells in terms of sexual morality or transgression.1 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight opens with a summary of the events leading from the fall of Troy to the establishment of Britain: Sià ¾en à ¾e sege and à ¾e assaut watz sesed at Troye, à ¾e borgh brittened and brent to brondez and askez, à ¾e tulk à ¾at à ¾e trammes of tresoun à ¾er wroght Watz tried for his tricherie, à ¾e trewest on erthe: Hit watz Ennias à ¾e athel, and his highe kynde, à ¾at sià ¾en depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome Welneghe of al à ¾e wele in à ¾e west iles. Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyà ¾e, With gret bobbaunce à ¾at burghe he biges vpon fyrst, And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat; Tirius to Tuskan and teldes bigynnes, Langaberde in Lumbardie lyft... ...e is once again surrounded by the familiar faces of Arthur's knights, this return cannot undo what he has experienced, does not unwrite what the poet has written. The return of the endless knot to the place of its beginning does not negate the existence of the pattern that has been created. Bertilak "reads" the ominous and the disruptive in Layamon's depiction of the origins of Britain. By locating the story of Gawain's flirtation with Lady Bertilak within the context of Layamon's chronicle of treason in Troy as well as at Camelot, the Gawain-poet complicates any reading of Camelot and Hautdesert as opposed places with opposed valuations. Treason is already and always present at Camelot, named with obscure referent in the first stanza of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight--and this very obscurity points to the difficulty of reaching any conclusions surrounding gender or sexuality in the poem. The use of history shows that femininity, masculinity, normative sexuality and transgression are all difficult, perhaps impossible, to define. Gawain, of course, does not read Brut, and is therefore left floundering in search of a finality which is unobtainable within the world of this poem. Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay -- Essays Papers The Complications of Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Gawain's travels in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight suggest a world in which home--i.e., Camelot--is "normal," while away--the opposing castle of Hautdesert where Gawain perforce spends his Christmas vacation--is "other," characterized by unfamiliarity, dislocation, perversity. And in fact the atmosphere at Hautdesert appears somewhat peculiar, with various challenges to "normal" sexual identity, and with permutations of physical intimacy, or at least the suggestion of such intimacy, that are, to say the least, surprising. The typical journey of medieval romance juxtaposes a "real" world where things and people behave according to expectation with a "magical" world in which the usual rules are suspended. According to this paradigm, we might expect that this poem would place Hautdesert outside the bounds of tradition, separated by its difference from the expectations that govern Camelot and the remainder of the Arthurian world. However, Gawain's journey away from Camelot and back is framed by references, in the first and last stanzas, to the journeys into exile of Aeneas and of Brutus, the legendary founder of Britain, that complicate this apparent opposition. As this paper will argue, this framework complicates the poem's presentation of gender and sexuality. Rather than a clear opposition between, say, marital sexuality and everything else, we find a situation in which potentially adulterous acts and kisses among men are vested with varied--and shifting--values. The poem uses references to the (imagined) British past to complicate any simple reading of the tale it tells in terms of sexual morality or transgression.1 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight opens with a summary of the events leading from the fall of Troy to the establishment of Britain: Sià ¾en à ¾e sege and à ¾e assaut watz sesed at Troye, à ¾e borgh brittened and brent to brondez and askez, à ¾e tulk à ¾at à ¾e trammes of tresoun à ¾er wroght Watz tried for his tricherie, à ¾e trewest on erthe: Hit watz Ennias à ¾e athel, and his highe kynde, à ¾at sià ¾en depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome Welneghe of al à ¾e wele in à ¾e west iles. Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyà ¾e, With gret bobbaunce à ¾at burghe he biges vpon fyrst, And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat; Tirius to Tuskan and teldes bigynnes, Langaberde in Lumbardie lyft... ...e is once again surrounded by the familiar faces of Arthur's knights, this return cannot undo what he has experienced, does not unwrite what the poet has written. The return of the endless knot to the place of its beginning does not negate the existence of the pattern that has been created. Bertilak "reads" the ominous and the disruptive in Layamon's depiction of the origins of Britain. By locating the story of Gawain's flirtation with Lady Bertilak within the context of Layamon's chronicle of treason in Troy as well as at Camelot, the Gawain-poet complicates any reading of Camelot and Hautdesert as opposed places with opposed valuations. Treason is already and always present at Camelot, named with obscure referent in the first stanza of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight--and this very obscurity points to the difficulty of reaching any conclusions surrounding gender or sexuality in the poem. The use of history shows that femininity, masculinity, normative sexuality and transgression are all difficult, perhaps impossible, to define. Gawain, of course, does not read Brut, and is therefore left floundering in search of a finality which is unobtainable within the world of this poem.

The Beach :: essays research papers

"The Beach" "The Beach" has turned out to be a very controversial film, imposing positive and negative views. Harry, in "The Juice," gave the film an A1 rating with all optimistic remarks. Matt Wolf gave the film a very negative review, mocking every aspect of it. I am going to cover audience, tone, content, organization, and the overall effect. Audience- The audience that Harry tried to reach was a younger crowd that would appreciate the smaller keynotes of the film. With phrases like "Yes I said intriguing, henceforth, this is a kick ass flick, no lie." Wolf leaned toward an adult audience that would be more influenced by larger vocabulary. With words like antecedents, and incremental, that my computer doesn't even have in it's spell check. Along with phrases like "the beaches resident despot, whose officiousness do-exists with a strong sexual appetite." It isn't that I don't understand these phrases and words, but I just don't want to read them in a movie review. Tone- Harry used a tone that was more informal with a smaller vocabulary; words like believable and particularly, words that are understandable. He also used a kind of techno-lingo, which is understandable to teens but not to adults. Wolf used a very formal tone which was directed to adults. As I noted earlier he uses words that aren't even in spell check. His attitude coming into the piece was very negative against the film, with remarks such as, "So how is Leo? Not bad actually, which is more than can be said for a script from John Hodge that ditches most of the novel's tension." Content- The content in Harry's piece was more like a plot summary, with phrases like, "We find a self-contained environment, complete with couples, brothers, and friends, the whole nine yards. This is the main focus of the film." He was more optimistic and just generally nicer in his review. He also used two historical references, such as "Swiss Family Robinson," and "Taxi Driver," that he believed reflected the plot of the film. Wolf used a more quotation-oriented view. He didn't really summarize the film, but just depicted every part and used quotes to reflect his views. He was also very pessimistic as aforementioned. He also imputed a lot of prior history on the book and the film, with many different views on all the parts of the film. Organization- Harry's organization was very loose and difficult to follow; he was not orderly and he really didn't use a outline formation.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Veldt

Paragraph- â€Å"The Veldt† Theme In the short story, â€Å"The Veldt†, written by Ray Bradbury reveals the odds by creating a machine that only allows children to detach emotionally from their parents and their loss of innocence. Lydia and George Hedley live in a Happy life home a technological marvel that automatically tends to their every need which dresses them, cooks the food, brushes their teeth, and even rocks them to sleep. The house also contains a high-tech nursery. The nursery turns into any scenery the children imagine about in that room.Children are usually naive and silly. But in this story children lose their innocence gradually because they feel abandoned and alienation. The children feel abandoned by their parents when they were left in the care of a technological baby sitter which led them to lose their innocence. When  George and Lydia realized that there is something wrong with their way of life. George and Lydia are also perplexed that the nursery is stuck on an African setting, with lions in the distance, eating the dead carcass of what they assume to be an animal.There they also find recreations of their personal belongings, wondering why their children are so concerned with this scene of death. Therefore, they decide to call a psychologist. The psychiatrist evaluated that the children and he said to the parents that the children need treatment. Both of the children feel abandoned by their parents so they activated the room into a veldt where they imagine that they are looking for their missing parents because of the insufficient time their parents give them.In one point the psychiatrist says: â€Å"You’ve let this room and this house replaces you and your wife in your children’s affections. This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. † In this story man is destroyed by their machines in two ways: not only are George and Lydia were murdered by the nu rsery’s technology, but the children’s humanity is also destroyed. By identifying so closely with the nursery, the children have become less than human.They feel no guilt, remorse or regret when their parents died, and it was clear that they have become as cold and emotionless as the machinery that controls the nursery. Children often feel powerless against adults and create elaborate sceneries in their heads in which they have the power to conquer any adult who refuses to give them what they want. George triggers these fantasies in Peter and Wendy when he threatens them to turn off the nursery. The children are used to getting their own way, and they become very angry when they cannot have what they want and the cycle of revenge starts in which they end up murdering their own parents.When David McClean the psychiatrist asked the children where their parents are when they were on their way to New York it says in the story â€Å"The children looked up and smiled. †˜Oh, they’ll be here directly. ’† Even though they were the ones who killed their parents, they feel no emotions at all. In conclusion people would say that children are usually harmless and full of life but in the story â€Å"The veldt† because they felt abandoned by their parents and because of alienation Peter and Wendy gradually lost their innocence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Reflective Practice Essay

Reflective implement is the process of spirit back on the work you select previously do in redact to get better understanding of yourself, how you work, your thoughts, feelings and anything you scum bag learn from those experiences, whether good or bad. It is a way of eruditeness by reviewing and sen cartridge holdernt back over a dapple or an activity. As a expiration you tummy identify your strengths and weaknesses and start workings on improving yourself. Most of the cadence you do some form of comment without even realising it.You puke use diametric methods for a reflective practice keeping a diary or a journal, writing down what happened bottom serve well you get a clear attend of a situation having a debriefing, supervision, sort discussion as your colleagues and manager can provide a vital support and help in reviewing your practice only taking a break and intellection about what happened can help you plant your thoughts in evidence.Following an exampl e of a reflective circle, that contains six steps, can fuddle you an idea of how to reflect.1. Description- deal about what happened?2. Feelings- what did you think and how did you feel about it?3. Evaluation- what were the positives and the negatives?4. Analysis- what sense can you make of it?5. Conclusion- what else could you have done?6. effect plan- what lead you do next time?Reflective practice is important as it helps to improve the quality of service we deliver. It can give you an aw arness of your own in the flesh(predicate) thoughts and feelings, your strengths and weaknesses. It can help you identify learning guides, which areas you need to improve and work on. In effect its a striking professional development tool.Reflective practice can help you learn what whole kit and caboodle for certain service users, as they are all individual, sometimes different onslaught and attitude needs to be taken. You give gain the knowledge of what could be added or takenaway in order to provide an individual care package. It will help you to think about how you work, what youve done well and what can you do to improve the things in the future.Care Standards are immanent when it comes to a reflective practice as they help care workers provide the similar quality of care across the service. You need to know the standards to understand what is expected of you as a support worker, you should than reflect on them to make sure they are met in your every day work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

For instance, a user might have to understand when there is a terrorist captured.In which youre at the short story does inform you.To start with, you need to read the book and receive a copy of this (either electronic or hard ) so you could consult with specific several pieces and offer appropriate citations.1 thing about the book is that its rather simple to read.

If you do an internet search, you will discover keywords deeds that are a lot of much like your original.People dont want to get sold and want to get information.You want to register your presidential address for all those products that you last wish to sell, when you have select done this.It allows us to grow.